Nana Prah first discovered romance in a book from her eight grade summer reading list and has been obsessed with it ever since. Her fascination with love inspired her to write in her favorite genre where happily-ever-after is the rule.
She is a published author of contemporary, multicultural romances. Her books are sweet with a touch of spice. When she’s not writing she’s, over-indulging in chocolate, enjoying life with friends and family, and tormenting nursing students into being the best nurses the world has ever seen. Stop by her blog at:
BPM: What made you want to become a writer? How long have you been writing?
NP: I didn’t know I wanted to be a writer until I wrote a letter to a friend telling her how she’d meet her husband. It ended up turning into a 70,000 word novel. I’ve been writing romance for about six years.
BPM: How do you think you’ve evolved creatively?
NP: By leaps and bounds. I have learned to let go and not care as much about what people think about my work. This is very freeing. Of course I’d love it if everyone liked what I wrote, but that’s not realistic. Those who enjoy my work go for seconds, thirds, and fourth servings. Yes, my books are that addictive.
BPM: Do you view writing as a kind of spiritual practice?
NP: Although writing brings me a sense of excitement and joy, I don’t consider it a spiritual practice. I find that peace is not always involved when I write. In fact, after the free flow of the first draft, editing is rather stressful.
BPM: How has writing impacted your life?
NP: In the most positive way. I’ve always liked creating things. My mother taught me how to crotchet and knit at a young age so now I think everyone I’ve ever known in my life has a blanket made by me. Once I learned about cross stitching I couldn’t be stopped. Writing has become my ultimate creative outlet. On most days words flow once I sit in front of my computer. I get to make people do things in a world where I am the ultimate ruler.
BPM: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
NP: That I’m entertaining. I had always found my introverted self to be rather boring when conversing with others. I believe my sense of humor was muffled by conversation, but released when I write. When I read over some of my work, I laugh out loud because, heck, I’m funny on paper.
BPM: Where do you see yourself as a writer in five years?
NP: On the New York Times Bestseller list. That’s right, you read correctly. I will still be writing spectacular books and when they’re published the cover will read: Nana Prah, NYT Bestselling author. Can I please get a high five?
BPM: How do you find or make time to write? Are you a plotter or a pantster?
NP: When people find out I’m a published author they ask me how I can work a full time job and still write. I make the time. I love writing and I know that my best time to write is in the evening, so even if I have to block out ten minutes to write, I will because it makes me feel good.
I’m a pantser. Ask me to plot something and I’ll end up behaving like someone from the Bible in mourning with the gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes. As organized as I like my life to be, I like my writing to flow through me as it happens.
BPM: How did you choose the genre you write in? Have you considered writing in another genre?
NP: Romance found me. I’ve been a reader of the genre since high school. When I first started writing, it was natural for me to write what I love to read.
A friend suggested I write a play about my life (there’s been quite a bit of drama in it) and I’m actually thinking about it because who wouldn’t want their life performed on stage for the world to see?
BPM: Tell us about your most recent work? Available on Nook and Kindle?
NP: A Perfect Caress first started out when I was talking to an author friend about chocolate cake. I asked if it would be a bad thing to fight someone over an awesome piece of cake. She told me to write a story about it, so I did and A Perfect Caress was born.
Lanelle comes from a prominent family and has everything she could ever want, except the one thing she truly desires, but a man isn’t it. Dante is the kind of man who walks by and you stare at him as he goes because he has it all together, or so it seems. These two work on Lanelle’s NICU project and when they get together the sparks fly.
Available on both Nook and Kindle.
BPM: Give us some insight into your main characters or the speakers. What makes each one so special?
NP: Lanelle has a huge heart. As heiress to the Astacio dynasty she could spend her time shopping, relaxing, and doing all those other things rich people do, but she invests her money in worthwhile projects such as building the state-of-the-art NICU. The project has a special place in her heart because… Nope. No spoilers from me.
Dante is a wealthy man, but he’s worked hard for everything he has. He’s a family oriented man and that’s part of what makes him so appealing. Add to it that he’s primed to fall in love and you just want to shove Lanelle into him.
BPM: What was your hardest scene to write, the opening or the close?
NP: Neither. There is a scene in the book that is completely emotional. That was the hardest scene for me to write. If any of you shed a tear when you read A Perfect Caress, please let me know because it will make me so happy.
BPM: Share one specific point in your book that resonated with your present situation or journey.
NP: I really wish I could say it’s that I’m a multimillionaire and am forever seeking to spend money on others. I’ve learned over the years that I don’t need millions to help people. I give what I can to whoever I feel needs it. Does that make me a philanthropist like Lanelle? Hmmm.
BPM: Is there a specific place/space/state that you find inspiration in?
NP: Inspiration hits me at any and all times and I’m very grateful for that.
BPM: Are there certain characters you would like to go back to, or is there a theme or idea you’d love to work with?
NP: As I was writing I gave Lanelle brothers. I always thought it would be nice to see how their romance evolved. Great news! Kimani has picked up Miguel (book 2) and Leonardo’s (book 3_ stories so we’ll get to visit with Lanelle and Dante again.
BPM: Do you want each book to stand on its own or do you prefer to write series?
NP: I don’t go into writing books with a series in mind, only because they are a lot of work, and there is some plotting involved (please see how I feel about plotting above), but sometimes a story just calls for more than one tale to come from it.
BPM: Does writing energize or exhaust you?
NP: Energizes. When I write I feel like I know what an extrovert feels like when consistently surrounded by people, full of life and wanting more. My characters are my peeps, and I love torturing creating them.
BPM: Do you believe in writer’s block?
NP: Hush yo mouth! LOL. No I don’t. Every time I sit down to write, something comes out. Sometimes it’s short and pure nonsense, but it’s still something.
BPM: Is there one subject you would never write about as an author? What is it?
NP: I had to think about this question for a while. Other than the no-no topics that nobody is really supposed to write about, I’m pretty sure I’m open to writing about most things. Characters need a good backstory, and sometimes their backstory is painful, emotional, and almost impossible to believe that they’ve endured.
BPM: Do you try to deliver to readers what they want or let the characters guide your writing?
NP: My characters have free reign over the story. Most often I find that they take me in wonderful directions. I do regain control during editing, but that’s to be expected.
BPM: Is there a certain type of scene that’s harder for you to write than others? Love? Anger? Erotic?
NP: Sad scenes are hardest for me to write. Getting the reader to empathize with what the character is going through takes a lot of delving into just how the character feels and expressing it in a way that people can relate to.
BPM: What was the best money you ever spent as a writer?
NP: Book promotion packages (Yes, EDC Creations is on the list). I like that promotion companies can get me and by book to as many people as possible. Definitely worth the cash invested.
BPM: Have you written any other books that are not published?
NP: Other than the book that will never see the light of day, I have three full length romances which are waiting for the right time for me send them out into the world.
BPM: What projects are you working on at the present?
I’m excited to report that I’m working on another Kimani romance. Book two of the same story which tells Lanelle’s younger brother’s story.
BPM: What is your preferred method to have readers get in touch with or follow you?
I love hearing from readers. Through a direct message on my Facebook page is best. Facebook:
BPM: How can readers discover more about you and your work?
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Purchase A Perfect Caress by Nana Prah
Contemporary African American Romance