Antoinette R. Davis

Creative, a dreamer, loving and helpful, those are just some of the words used to describe Ms. Antoinette R. Davis. “Nette” as she is called by her closest friends and family members, has always had a way with drama. She is a dreamer and she encourages others to do the same.

Antoinette attended Baltimore City public schools and went on to Strayer Business College where she majored in Business Management.. Antoinette stepped out on faith in 2009 and started her own business first selling artwork that’s when a friend at the time asked her to write poetry for some of the artwork she was selling and from there the writer in her was re- birthed.

In 2010, Antoinette started writing poetry on book markers, journals, planners and put together her first poetry book that included a CD of poetry to music. Antoinette shocked her family and herself when she completed a CD of spoken word entitled “A Scent Just for Her.”

All of her writings seemed to gravitate to the spiritual side in her and when asked why she simply replied, “That’s where my heart is now. It’s a pleasure writing with you in mind,” Antoinette loves to be creative and let her mind takes her and the readers places they can only imagine.

Antoinette’s novels are thought provoking; she discusses issues people want to read such as domestic violence, race and love and she takes pleasure doing so. Her mother speaks to the support of her writings, “I knew my daughter was creative at an early age and I am very proud of her and the love she has for people. You can find her hidden in every novel she creates.”


BPM:  It is such a pleasure to have you join us to discuss, The Key to My Pain. Describe yourself in three words.



BPM:  What drove you to publish your first book or create your first series? How long have you been writing?

I have been writing 10 years now. I was going through a bad time and I needed to channel my pain into a different direction and writing helped me to do that and once I did that I wanted to help others with my writing.


BPM:  Describe what you do outside of writing to expand your business or brand.

I promote through social media. I’ve done speaking engagements at centers for women and book signings and I throw parties and invite book clubs and other authors.


BPM:  What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your body of work/books?

You need an editor. You cannot edit your own book no matter how careful you are.


BPM:  How did you choose the genre you write in? Have you considered writing in another genre?

I chose fiction because I wanted to take people minds places, exotic places, dark places and I find that you can do that with fiction with a twist of realness.


BPM:  Tell us about your most recent work.  Available on Nook and Kindle?

The Key to My Pain is the title and it deals with depression and abuse in a household.  It gives a story of men dealing with mental abuse from childhood to adulthood.


BPM:  Introduce us to the people in the book! Give us some insight into your main characters.

Okay, Carolyn is a loving submissive wife who is being abused by her husband but she refuses to leave him.  Rodney Jr. is the eldest son who is determined to be a professional basketball player despite his father’s firm stances on him not playing ball but becoming a respected professional.  Rodney hates his mother because she won’t leave the man that is tormenting the family and then there’s Rodney Sr. A big black mean son of a gun.  He’s a womanizing whore, LOL.  He has women all over Baltimore and the babies too.  He even slept with the neighbor and her sister.  When he walks into the house so does the devil and if you don’t talk right or look at him right you’ll catch a right and left hook.


BPM:  What’s so unique about their story-line or voice in the story? What makes each one so special?

The uniqueness is the hurt and pain and then the overwhelming forgiveness.  I would have to say Carolyn holds the voice in the story because she has to get up and find herself and then when she does she has to go back to the thing that hurt her and forgive.


BPM:  Share one specific point in your book that resonated with your present situation or journey.

I witnessed my mother be abused and I felt helpless and angry with her for not leaving.  I would lie in bed and wonder why we are here.  I was mad at her.  I vowed never to be that foolish, oh but I was.  Let’s just say I’ve learned to respect the power of love.


BPM:  Are there certain characters you would like to go back to or is there a theme or idea you’d love to work with?

Yes, I would love to go back to the next door neighbor, “Ethel” she comes across as the helpful neighbor and friend however, her sister has a baby by Rodney Sr.


BPM:  Have you ever received a rejection from an agent or a publisher?

No, only because I’ve never sought after one.  I started self-publishing right out of the gate.


BPM:  Do you ever have days when writing is a struggle? Have you ever had to deal with rejection?

Oh goodness yes, but I’ve learned to walk away and wait until it’s time.   Yes, I do struggle with the writing process  in many ways as a new author. In the business yes, I’ve had book stores tell me I was a nobody or I wasn’t good enough as the people who have been around for years.  I’ve had book clubs reject me because I wasn’t perceived as popular as the big name authors.


BPM:  Have you written any other books that are not published?

Yes, about three. I write all the time.


BPM:  What projects are you working on at the present?

Currently, I am working on two, The WAY EYE SEE IT and I CAN’T BLAME YOU.


BPM:  How do you stay connected with others in publishing and your readers?

Through social media, I have a Facebook page just for my readers It’s A Pleasure writing with you in MIND.


BPM:  What legacy do you hope to leave future generations of readers and new writers with your writing?

WOW! I never thought about that because I am to busy thinking of my grandchildren and the legacy I want to leave them. I would say to future readers, just because the genre is fiction it doesn’t mean it’s not real. There’s a twist of realness in every fiction novel, I think.


BPM:  How can readers discover more about you and your work?

Youtube and Facebook – It’s A Pleasure writing with you in Mind,

Instagram –  #Authorsworkhardtoo.

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