Intimate Conversation with Yvonne Evans-Strachan
Minister Yvonne Strachan is the founder and President of Ministry In Motion in Miami, Florida. As a minister, author, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, play-write, mentor, humanitarian, and life-long learner, her primary goal is to inspire the masses to create their best lives from the inside out, by utilizing their own unique God given creativity.
Minister Strachan utilizes the unique genres of literature, music, and plays, coupled with prophetic inspiration to create and produce one of a kind plays and biblical dramatizations. This particular area of ministry has taken Yvonne to numerous platforms, stages, and venues throughout the US.
Minister Strachan is especially grateful for the platform of prison ministry that was made possible through her dramatization ministry. Additionally, through Minister Strachan’s efforts in cultural awareness and her unfeigned commitment to affecting societal changes; Ministry In Motion has sponsored “Feeding in the Park”, which provides home cooked meals for the homeless as well as for any others who need a meal. This service has been provided for the last four years on a monthly basis.
Minister Strachan truly believes that charity begins at home; and with the right amount of compassion, intellect, and commitment asserted, charity can become contagious. She believes, “We all are God’s Work of Art.” Created to serve each other with our God given talents and unique capacities.
Minister Strachan is the mother of two brilliant Daughters and four wonderful grandchildren.
“If we honored each other’s abilities and creativity, there would be no need for weapons of mass destruction. We would only need a heart full of love and lots of paint, brushes, canvases, writing paper, pens, pencils, lots of dreamers, and music to play in synchronized harmony with the rest of the universe”. –Yvonne Strachan
BPM: Please, share something our readers wouldn’t know about you.
I’m a certified diver.
BPM: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Compassionate, intelligent, and committed.
BPM: Is writing your full-time career? How much time do you spend writing?
My full-time career is ministry in an array of genres. I write a little every week.
BPM: Tell us about your first published children’s book. What was the journey like?
I actually sat on the book for about 10 years…waiting for what I thought was the right time.
BPM: Introduce us to your most recent work for young readers.
I Am God’s Work Of Art inspires children to become one with themselves and to embrace their unique characteristics, personality, and appearance.
I Am God’s Work Of Art builds the confidence of children, reminding them to be confident and courageous in everything that they do. Children will also be inspired to do everything that they desire to do in life and to stay in their own unique lane.
This book is filled with inspiration and power that will assist children to be victorious and never to reject embracing their greatness.
BPM: Can you share with us something about the book that isn’t in the blurb?
Several characters were inspired by my youngest daughter, two of my grandchildren and children I worked with at a cultural Art Academy.
BPM: Give us some insight into your main characters or speakers.
All of the children in the book are uniquely different and some have physical challenges but all of them affirm that quitting is not an option and they conquer their fears with joy.
BPM: What makes each one so special?
They are not comparing themselves to each other but understands they are victorious because they didn’t allow fear to inhibit them from succeeding.
BPM: Did you learn anything personal from writing your book?
The book was a mirror for me to reflect on my upbringing and life as a whole. I had no one to affirm or encourage me to believe in myself and even when things looked uncertain and seemingly impossible pushing me to not stop trying. I wasn’t encouraged if I fail, it was my First Attempt In Learning. This book for me is a celebration of healing, knowing I can do all things through Christ.
BPM: What did you enjoy most about writing and developing the characters for this book?
I firmly believed that the power of the words written and the illustrations would inspire and motivate all those that would read it.
BPM: Is writing easy for you? Do you feel lonely being a writer during the creative process?
No. I don’t feel lonely at all during the creative process. I actually enjoyed writing and putting the finishing touches on the book.
BPM: Tell us a little about your creative process. Do you use a computer or write out the story by hand?
I keep a pen and notebook on a nightstand next to my bed and daily and I would wake up very early and pen words that were inspired.
BPM: Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips self-care for creative folks?
Try to write a little each day at least one page.
BPM: Are there under-represented groups or ideas featured in your book?
No, I tried to be very inclusive.
BPM: Share one specific point in your book that resonated with your present situation or journey.
I am my own unique self. I keep my own vision, stay in my own lane and knowing if I’ve done my best I’ve done a great job.
BPM: What were the key challenges you faced when writing this book?
My key challenge would have been initially placing it on the back burner and doing other projects.
BPM: Can you share some stories about people you met while researching this book?
1) I worked with a student that had autism and at the beginning of the year he would not talk or interact with others. I would always start my class off with an affirmation.I notice he would never say it out loud. Three months into the school year he raised his hand and asked if he could say something. With a wide smile on his face he recited the affirmation verbatim and at the end said to me “Ms. Strachan I am destine for greatness”.
(2) At the beginning of the school term I asked each student to introduce themselves and tell me what they aspired to be when they grew up. One of my students an 8 year old young man said he wanted to be a thug because his father was a thug. The statement broke my heart and I knew I needed to get some positive and inspiring words in him. I worked with him throughout the year affirming his ability to be great. He left the school after the term ended. I meet up with him 7 years later and with a big grin he ran up to me and thanked me for believing in him. I asked him what he was doing in his life. He told me he is working on his basketball skills so he can get a scholarship and become a professional player. The mentality was changed because of positive words spoken in his life.
BPM: What projects are you working on at the present?
A sequel to my book “I Am God’s Work of Art.”
BPM: How can readers discover more about you and your work?
Follow me on my Facebook page, my website, Twitter, and Instagram.
Yvonne Evans-Strachan Connections
Email: Strachanstorybook@yahoo.com
Twitter: @strachanstories
Twitter: https://twitter.com/strachanstories
Instagram: https://instagram.com/strachanstorybook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yvonne.evansstrachan
I am God’s Work of Art Twitter: https://twitter.com/strachanstories
Facebook Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/I-am-Gods-Work-of-Art-101192934563092