When it comes to travelling, Yasmina Iro knows a thing or two about putting on the mileage. They can often be found exploring the world, travelling to learn about new cultures and experience our beautiful planet.
From their home base in the United States, they enjoy creating new worlds and cultures for their readers to explore with them. When not exploring, Yasmina can be found decorating beautiful cakes in their kitchen while caring for their blooming family or sneaking some work on their webcomics. There’s also something new going on with them and that’s the way they like it.
If you would like to connect with her, you can visit her website at www.yasminairo.com or follow her on twitter @murosakiiro.
Twitter: @Murosakiiro
Website: www.yasminairo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/murosakiiro
BPM: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Motivated. Inspired and Caring.
BPM: How did you get to be where you are in your life today? Who or what motivated you?
I have been through a lot since I graduated High School. Some of it has been amazing, some it much less so. My relationship with writing has been on and off during that time, but what really got me back into it was finding the first version of Shroud I had ever written. My language arts teacher at the time, Maria Croft, had read and proofread the story for me, with the advice to look at it again when I was older.
I finally did and started rewriting the story into something better, into the amazing first book it has become today. If not for Mrs. Croft, believing in me even when my writing as absolutely horrid, I don’t think I would have ever made it to where I am today as a writer and author.
BPM: When did you get your first inkling to write, and how did you advance the call for writing?
I first wanted to write as soon as I could read. Reading has been a life long passion of mine and as soon as I could read on my own, I thought to myself “I want to make worlds like that too!” At such a young age, I knew I wanted to be a storyteller and I’ve dedicated everything I do to telling stories, whether it’s through artwork, novels or even song.
BPM: Is writing easy for you? Do you feel lonely being a writer during the creative process?
Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. My characters are real and alive to me, so I never feel lonely and they guide me throughout our journey together. However, I do tend to get too emotional attached to them. I never want to put my characters into tough situations, even if I know it’s the best for them. Sometimes I have to rewrite scenes several times to force myself to stop sugarcoating what needs to happen.
BPM: Tell us a little about your creative process. Do you use a computer or write out the story by hand?
I typically will start by hand, writing on whatever paper I can find. I tend to be a bit more organized now and by a journal specifically for that story, but I still do write out inspiration on whatever I can reach. Once I have a solid version written out, I’ll move it to my computer, creating the second draft as I do so. I tend to have anywhere from four to seven drafts before I consider a story complete.
BPM: What projects are you working on at the present?
I’m working on a lot of things, the sequels to both Shroud and To Catch a Raven among them. Both of these are in their second drafts, so they are coming along nicely. I’m also working on my webcomic, SON, and hopefully will be updating that project soon.
BPM: What are some of the benefits of being an author that makes it all worthwhile?
Having people tell how much they enjoy my writing and my character is always the best part. It’s gives me that warm fuzzy feeling and really makes everything I do worthwhile.
BPM: Who does your body of literary work speak to?
I’d like to think my story speaks to people who are trying to find where they stand in the world, who want to see themselves in the stories they read. You see the same tropes and archetypes over and over again, and I want my stories to break that, to bring more representation and inclusivity to my favorite genres.
BPM: Do you consider authors as role models?
I very much think we are. We connect with out readers through the stories and worlds we create and we can use those stories to inspire, to save and to uplift.
BPM: Introduce us to your most recent work. Available on Nook and Kindle?
To Catch a Raven is the first in the Dark Goddess Trilogy, following the Immortal Raiven and the Alpha Kisten as they fight for their right to stay together and have their happy ending. This first book focuses on their beginnings of their relationship and how they decide to move forward. This book will be available in paperback and Hardback, as well as being available on Nook and Kindle.
Purchase To Catch A Raven (Paranormal Romance) by Yasmina Iro
Ebook on Amazon
Barnes and Nobles
BPM: How can readers discover more about you and your work?
You can always visit me on Facebook or twitter @Murosakiiro or follow me on my website, where I do try to post weekly updates to my blog.