Black Pearls Magazine Intimate Conversation with Janie De Coster
BPM: It is such a pleasure to have you join us to discuss When The Vows Break. Describe yourself in three words.
Passionate, Spiritual, and Witty.
BPM: What drove you to publish your first book? How long have you been writing?
What drove me to write my first novel, believe it or not, was God’s voice telling me to do so. I’ve always read romance novels but I never imagined that I could have written one myself. I had no idea how to begin let alone what to write. But the Holy Spirit led me and several books later here I am. I’ve been on this writing journey for over thirteen years.
BPM: Introduce us to the people in this new book! Give us some insight into your main speakers.
This novel When the Vows Break was a pleasure to write. I grew up in the church and we all know there’s more going on sometimes than the word of God. The main characters are Pastor Sidney Teal, his lovely wife First Lady Olivia and young and beautiful Jasmine Lewis who will test the strength of the Teal’s marriage.
BPM: What’s so unique about their story-line or voice in the story? What makes each one so special?
I wanted to give each character a strong voice with raw emotions. I wanted the readers to be able to actually feel the characters deposition and be able to relate to what the character is going through. What makes these characters so special is at the end of the day they all love God in spite of their transgressions.
BPM: Share one specific point in your book that resonated with your present situation or journey.
The one point in my book I would want the younger readers to capture especially females which resonated with me is searching for love in the wrong places. They tend to make bad decisions based on immaturity. It is so easy to be pulled into a fantasy world especially when it comes with money and status. They also fail to see the consequences that will affect them for the rest of their lives.
BPM: Do you ever have days when writing is a struggle?
Yes, especially when it is a complex storyline.
BPM: Have you written any other books that are not published?
Yes, I have one that I wrote years ago and it has been collecting dust in my desk drawer. But I’m thinking about pulling it out soon and perhaps bring it to light.
BPM: What projects are you working on at the present?
I just finished a book that has been re-released called FRIENEMIES. It’s available now on Amazon.com
BPM: What legacy do you hope to leave future generations of readers with your writing?
I want my children, grandchildren, and others to know that with God you can do all things. It’s not going to be easy. You may have to put in a lot of prayer, sweat, and tears. But the race is not given to the swift but to the one who perseveres.
BPM: What is your preferred method to have readers get in touch with or follow you?
You can contact me through my website: sweetsmells2003.wix.com/janie-decoster
BPM: How can readers discover more about you and your work? Share all of your social media links.
Check out my novels on my Janie De Coster Amazon Page
When The Vows Break by Janie De Coster
Genre: Contemporary Christion Fiction
Yasmin Lewis finds herself in love with a married man but not your ordinary married man. He is Pastor Sidney Teal, a fine and prominent leader of the megachurch, Holy Word Holiness, with a membership of thousands. Pastor Teal treats her well in and out of bed. However, Yasmin knows he will never be hers, and she longs for more.
More comes in the form of sexy, successful, and single Ambrose Hunter, a man who’s willing and able to give her the kind of life she knows she deserves. Yasmin’s sins catch up with her when Ambrose finds out she is not only seeing another man behind his back but a man of the cloth at that.
Now Yasmin’s world spins out of control. Will she be able to redeem herself and find forgiveness in When The Vows Break?
Book Reviews:
5.0 out of 5 stars Outstanding
The storyline throughout this story was very realistic and should be read in every women’s group. Women that read and share this story can talk about how easy judgments are perceived in the church, which often results in division, where true believers would understand the importance of forgiveness of self and one another, just as Christ forgave us from the cross, what better example can one follow.
5.0 out of 5 stars Enjoyed this book!
This story was so realistic I feel like I know these people. Sidney and Yazmin were both selfish and wrong, they both got what they deserved. Off to find other books by this author, another one added to my favorites list!
5.0 out of 5 stars I love this book great writing kept my interest what I …
I love this book great writing kept my interest what I would say though is this can happen to any man, not only Pastors, I don’t like the constant attack on Pastors. Real life situations highlighted, however.
“Will you be coming to the festival tomorrow,” asked Vanessa Stacey, who was no more than fourteen or fifteen years but could have easily past for eighteen or nineteen, especially with the tight t-shirt she wore, emblazoned with the logo of some urban fashion designer. Sidney sighed, remembering what he’d said to Brother Goodings earlier. Girls these days were far too well-developed for their own good.
“Of course Olivia and I will be there,” he answered smoothly, knowing that naming his wife would quell any ideas some of the ladies might have had concerning his marital state. “My children haven’t talked about anything else nearly all week.”
From the corner of his eye, he saw another young woman stride over to them as Sister Margie waved her over. He coughed, tried to hide his sudden discomfort.
Dark molasses skin glowed, set off perfectly by a fiery-colored form-fitting sheath dress that accentuated every curve. Sidney took in her short but well-shaped legs that would have given Tina Turner a run for her money. Sidney’s heart skipped a beat as the distance closed between them.
“Pastor Sidney, this is my niece Yasmin Lewis”, Sister Margie introduced proudly. “She’s planning to attend business school here and recently moved from South Carolina. I told her that I’d be getting her into this fine church the minute she arrived.”
Yasmin extended a slender hand and Sidney gently took it. Her skin felt like soft rose petals. The heady floral perfume she wore teased his nostrils.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Pastor Teal. Auntie Margie’s always talking about you.” Yasmin replied in a honey-sweet drawl, her smile warm, sincere and almost innocently sexy.
He didn’t understand it. No other woman had affected him the way Yasmin Lewis had. In less than a minute, something had happened.
“Likewise, Miss Lewis,” Sidney said, outwardly composed and inwardly a turbulent storm of emotion. “You will be at the Youth Festival tomorrow?”
Again that innocent smile that he was reading far too much into. “I sure will. I think what Auntie Margie’s doing with the children is just wonderful and I wish more churches would do the same.”
Sidney couldn’t help noticing the beam of approval from Sister Margie’s eyes. He should rebuke her for the sin of pride, but couldn’t bring himself to say anything negative in front of her niece.
“Have you attended service yet?” For some reason, he’d know if she had.
“I will this Sunday, I promise,” she said, warm brown eyes smiling. “Aunt Margie says you preach so good you could get the devil to change his ways.”
“Whatever,” muttered Vanessa from the side, obviously upset at being put in the shade.
Sidney laughed. “Oh, I don’t know about all that. I just let the Lord fill me with His spirit and the words just come. I don’t take any credit for it.”
“You’re too modest, Pastor Sidney,” added Sister Margie. “Remember that article in Ebony Magazine about the One-Hundred Most Influential Ministers in America. You were number fifty-seven.”
Yasmin’s eyes widened. “Oh my goodness, I saw that article when I was getting my hair done! That picture didn’t do you justice.”
Was the look in her eyes and her words sending him a silent message, or was it just his imagination running wild at the sight of the vivacious young woman?
Before he made a bigger fool out of himself, Sidney graciously bowed. “Ladies, I was on my way home for lunch. I hope to see you all tomorrow.” Especially you, Miss Yasmin Lewis, was the rest of the unspoken thought.
Once inside his SUV, he turned the air on full blast and closed his eyes. The divine vision of the woman he just met came into sharp focus. Something about her intrigued him. She touched him in a way that made his whole body respond in a totally inappropriate manner. He couldn’t wait to see her again.
Reaching down to switch off the air, his conscience raged at him. What in heavens name was he thinking? Just minutes ago he was counseling Brother Goodings about infidelity and giving into temptation. He needed to take heed of his own advice and stay well clear of Yasmin Lewis until he could make sense of his feelings.
( Continued… )
© 2018 All rights reserved. Book excerpt reprinted by permission of the author, Janie De Coster. Do not reproduce, copy or use without the author’s written permission. This excerpt is used for promotional purposes only.
Meet Author Janie De Coster
Janie De Coster’s love of writing began in her high school years with poetry. It wasn’t until many years later she heard a spiritual voice instructing her to write a book. Having no idea as to what genre it would be, she just put pen to paper.
Janie De Coster writes not only to entertain but to educate as her topics shine a light on today’s society such as Mental Illness, Domestic Violence, Infidelity, and Self-Esteem. In her spare time, she loves to travel, shop and spend quality time with her family.
You can contact Janie De Coster by:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanieDeCoster
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/Janie-De-Coster-192088097478061/