Natasha D. Frazier accepted the call to write in 2011. Since then, Natasha has authored three devotional books. Her first book is The Life Your Spirit Craves, a 30-Day devotional and journal that encourages readers to seek, accept and pursue their God-given assignment. Her second book, Not Without You: 365 Days in the Lord’s Presence, encourages readers to make devotion a part of their everyday life by seeking God daily through prayer and reading His Holy Word. Not Without You has been nominated for the Henri Award. The Henri Award recognizes excellence in Christian literature.
The Life Your Spirit Craves for Mommies is a 52 week devotional for mothers that encourages them to see God at work in their lives through their role as a mother. Both devotionals in The Life Your Spirit Craves series won the Readers’ Choice Award presented at the Christian Literary Awards.
Natasha is also the author of the Love, Lies & Consequences, Christian-fiction series that focuses on real and relevant issues in today’s society, such as pre-marital sex, adultery, blended families and more!
Currently, the series contains three published titles: Love, Lies & Consequences, Through Thick & Thin, and Shattered Vows. She is also the author of How Long Are You Going to Wait and Kairos: The Perfect Time for Love.
Natasha D. Frazier resides in Houston, TX metro area with her husband, Eddie Frazier, Jr. and their three children, Eden, Ethan, and Emilyn. Her greatest joy and commitment is to her family who she hopes to inspire above all else. One of her many mottos in life is: Faith removes limitations.
Natasha and her family are members of Higher Dimension Church in Houston, TX. Natasha is also a member of the Houston Area Alumni Chapter of Jackson State University and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
BPM: Was there anyone early in your career that recognized your talent and help cultivate it?
Natasha: Long before I started my writing career, my ninth/tenth grade English teacher recognized my talent and encouraged me to keep writing. It took years for me to take her advice, but I still hold on to it, literally. I still have the note that she wrote to me many moons ago.
BPM: How do you stay on top of your game professionally in the publishing industry?
Natasha: I read the latest industry news and work to take the advice of experts when it’s applicable to me and my genre. It’s ever-changing and sometimes can be difficult to keep up with, but change is inevitable and I’m learning to adapt.
BPM: Tell us about your most recent work. Available on Nook and Kindle?
Natasha: Kairos: The Perfect Time for Love is my 8th book, which was released on Valentine’s Day! I’m excited to share Kairos because it seems I’ve been working on it forever. Kairos features Kensi, who was first introduced in book 1 of the Love, Lies & Consequences series as Raegan’s best friend. Kensi is now the only person in her circle who has yet to marry and have children.
The one thing she thought she had control over – her career- takes a different turn and she finds herself wondering when she’s going to experience the love and happiness that everyone else around her seems to be experiencing. She has to learn that God’s timing is perfect and it doesn’t always look like our timetable either. Kairos vs. Chronos. It is available in paperback and Kindle.
BPM: Give us some insight into your main characters. What makes each one so special?
Natasha: Kensi is a career girl but she desires much more than her career. She wants the marriage and family life as well, but since that hasn’t happened for her just yet, she chose to focus on what she thought she could control – her career. I know a few women like Kensi, shoot, I may have even been her at an earlier point in my life. She has conquered the career world and the question becomes, “what’s next?”
Darren, a coach and high school teacher, is also a family guy, but he lost his wife Jessica in a car accident a few years earlier. Now that he doesn’t have her, he gives his heart and energy to his students. He hasn’t thought much about dating anyone until he meets Kensi.
BPM: Is there a specific place/space that you find inspiration in?
Natasha: Generally, I just need to be alone with peace and quiet so that my mind can roam without interruption. I also find inspiration while reading.
BPM: What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
Natasha: Two things: the playful banter between Kensi and Darren and Kensi’s mother, Ruby. Ruby is a bit extra but my inspiration for her was Jennifer Lewis’ character in any movie or TV show she ever played someone’s mother. Haha.
BPM: How much planning goes into writing a book? How long does it take to complete one of your books?
Natasha: I honestly don’t do a lot of planning. I told myself I would start planning, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. When I conceive an idea, I sit down and start writing. Each time I sit down to continue, I read the last chapter or two and then pick up where I left off. As long as I know how I want the book to end, it’s just a matter of getting there.
Lately, it has taken about 4 to 6 months to get the first draft done and another 3 to 6 for editing. My last baby has completely thrown me off my game. She is definitely a game changer. I used to be able to sit down and write for an hour or two at night, but she won’t go to sleep on time. Nowadays, I have to get it in whenever I can.
BPM: Talk us through your experiences as a self-published author. Why did you go down this route?
Natasha: When I began my publishing journey five and a half years ago, my mentor was self-published and I followed in her footsteps. After learning how long it could possibly take to go the traditional route, self-publishing was the obvious choice for me, plus I wanted to retain all rights to my book. I may seek traditional publishing in the future, but as of now, I like being in charge of me.
BPM: What advice would you give aspiring writers that would help them finish a project?
Natasha: Take it one day at a time and try not to become overwhelmed with the process. Break your project down into small chunks (whatever works best for you) and it’ll seem much more attainable.
BPM: Was there an early experience where you learned that the written word had power?
Natasha: Probably right after I published my first book, The Life Your Spirit Craves. Listening to readers who told me that the book positively affected their lives and encouraged them to seek God for what He wanted them to do in this season of their lives reminded me of the power of the written word. It was then that I decided that I wanted everything I wrote to impact the lives of others in a positive way.
BPM: How has writing impacted your life?
Natasha: Writing is freeing, but first knowing that my work has blessed others has indeed blessed me. It has also allowed me the opportunity to meet and get to know people that I probably wouldn’t have crossed paths with had it not been for writing.
BPM: What does literary success look like to you?
Natasha: Literary Success – the power to encourage and entertain someone with the pen. Anytime someone sends me a message or posts a review that says one of my books touched or encouraged them in some way, I feel I have achieved literary success.
BPM: Share some of your writing goals. What projects are you working on at the present?
Natasha: I am working on book 4 of the Love, Lies & Consequences series, which will feature Raegan and Chloe. I’m super excited about that and if life continues to be as busy as it is now, it will be early next year before it’s released. I am also going to pick up and continue working on a journal that accompanies my one-year devotional, Not Without You.
BPM: How can readers discover more about you and your work?
Natasha: www.natashafrazier.com
Instagram: @author_natashafrazier
Twitter: @author_natashaf
Facebook: @craves.2012
Purchase Kairos: The Perfect Time for Love by Natasha D. Frazier
Download from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079H691LM