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Unlock a New Year and a New You!

Annual Resolutions for African American Women 
by author Hazel Mills

Release those Painful and Negative Bags! 
“Suffering is not holding you. You are holding suffering. When you become good at the art of letting sufferings go, then you’ll come to realize how unnecessary it was for you to drag those burdens around with you. You’ll see that no one else other than you was responsible. The truth is that existence wants your life to become a festival.” — so says Osho

  When people talk about making resolutions for the new year, it usually involves quitting or losing something or someone. For example, millions of people will resolve to quit smoking and twice as many more will promise to lose weight. Beginning the new year, we will be saturated with television and print ad campaigns for gym memberships, weight loss program and equipment deals as well as products to help with nicotine addiction. Although these changes in lifestyle are great and for some, can mean the difference between life or death, there are so many other things that we, as African American women, can do to make our lives more healthy, positive and meaningful throughout the new year.

What baggage are you leaving behind in last year? I'm leaving behind all doubts, fears, guilt and any unsaid thoughts!  I'm starting ideas, new friends, new projects, new goals, new is what's hot! Here are a few tips to launch a New You: 

1. Resolve to spend more time with God. This should be non-negotiable and always first on everyone's to-do list for the new year. He has created so many beautiful and magnificent things, including you. Resolve to attend church or bible study more often than you do now. Make time in your busy day just to say a quiet "thank you".

2. Resolve to ditch the drama. I can't say enough about this one. The stress of living a drama-filled life can affect your mental and physical health. Find ways to get rid of your own and to avoid getting pulled into the madness of others around you. This is much more challenging to accomplish around the holidays.

3. Resolve to take control of your health. On the morning of January 1 and the rest of the year, ask yourself the following vital questions: What is my HIV status? What are my cholesterol numbers? When was my last pap smear and/or mammogram? When did I last see a dentist? If you can't answer these questions definitively, call your doctor(s) and make an appointment.

4. Resolve not to starve your savings account. Last year was a year of economic hell and we have all cut back on rewarding ourselves with luxuries like new cars and vacations. Some may have dipped into the piggy bank just to make ends meet. In the new year, try to make a point to put a little something away from each paycheck. It doesn't have to be much. Pennies add up to dollars.

5. Resolve to be more generous. I am not talking about money here. Your time is more valuable than your dollars. Volunteer to read to hospitalized children, to serve food at a local women's shelter or build a home with Habitat For Humanity. The warm fuzzy feeling you'll get from knowing you helped someone else will be worth more than rubies.

6. Resolve to learn something new. The new year is a great time to create new adventures by learning to do something new. Check out your local community college for course selections. Many classes are available in the evening. You can learn all sorts of interesting things like how to play golf, speak a new language, play a mean game of chess, tune-up your car's engine or countless other hobbies. When we stop learning, we stop growing.

7. Resolve to re-unite with an old friend or relative this year.  Invite your room-mate from your college days out for dinner and some catching up or call and chat with a cousin whom you haven't seen since the last family reunion years ago. Sharing a laugh always lifts the spirits. But when planning a reunion, remember to heed number 2 on this list.

8. Resolve to be more informed about social and political issues. We all could use a nudge in this department. Celebrity gossip rules the talk show circuit and magazines covers but how well do you know the political climate of your own city? Let's resolve to spend time expanding our minds this year about what is going on in our world and with those we have elected to represent our interests in government.

9. Resolve to take yourself on vacation. Getting away on a shopping excursion with the girls is therapeutic and relaxing on a tropical beach with your significant other is wonderful. But why not take the concept of "me time" to a whole new level by treating yourself to a weekend at the spa? Treat yourself to a one night stay at a beautiful hotel across town. No phones, no text messages, no emails. You can't take care of others if you don't first take care of yourself.

10. Resolve to speak the truth in love. Hard but necessary. People don't always want to hear or accept the truth. Lies make life so much harder than it has to be. If you tell the truth with sugar rather than with salt, it is usually a littler easier for the other person to swallow. They may not agree with you but you don't need a fan club. Respect, from others and for yourself is the goal.

This list is a great place to begin to think about your life and the direction in which you want to go in the future. Empower yourself to be a better person than you were in years past. There is always room for improvement and you don't have to wait until the new year to make a change. Today is a good day!

Article written by author Hazel Mills. 





What’s in Your Mouth by Hazel Mills

The New Year is an opportunity for creating a new life. Commercials, talk shows and even social media will have us thinking that the yellow brick road to that new life is paved with weight loss, making more money and even finding love. However, one of the most important bricks is often overlooked. The words we speak to ourselves along the journey is just as critical as the journey itself. “What’s in Your Mouth” seeks to inform the reader of the important role words play in the life we seek to create and in how we relate to those around us. The article offers tips on how to begin to change your words to change your life. I believe this article embodies Morning Tea’s mission to encourage, uplift and inspire people from all walks of life.

The late great author and poet, Maya Angelou once said, “Words are things.” You can put certain words together and cause someone to fall in love with you. String another set of words together and you can start a war. The Bible teaches us that the power of life and death are in the tongue. Words are things. Powerful things. As we begin a new year, we are resolving to lose weight, make more money and maybe find love. But perhaps the most critical change we can make is one that can have the most prolific and valuable effect on every area of our lives. We should begin to pay more attention to what comes out of our mouths instead of focusing on what we put in it. The old adage we were all taught as children that says, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me,” is not true. Words hurt. Words can cut deeper than any knife; inflicting wounds that can last a lifetime. Want to change your life? There are three ways changing what you say can bring about the transformation you desire.

* BECOME AN ENCOURAGER. The first place to practice being an encourager is with yourself. When faced with a challenging task, pay attention to what you say about yourself to yourself. Instead of saying, “this is too hard for me” or “I can’t do this,” say “this may be hard but I can do it.” Often times we defeat ourselves with words before we have even begun the work at hand. Encouraging is simply a pep talk to inspire courage. It doesn’t require a lot but it could mean the world to you or to someone who is doubting themselves or their abilities. Another way to practice being an encourager is to give compliments. Complimenting someone on their hair or verbally admiring their shoes can go a long way to make them feel good and you may find it gives you a mood boost as well.

* EMPATHIZE. To be an effective encourager, you must develop empathy for the other person. Seeing a situation from another’s perspective will help you learn what is important to them; what they value. Once you learn this, you can offer verbal encouragement to communicate that you care and understand how they feel. This is not the time to be critical, condescending and condemning. Your positive and inspiring words may be just the catalyst someone needs to change direction in life and reach their full potential.

Have you heard that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar? Absolutely true. It is not what you say, it is how you say it. A scowl on your face and a grunt in your voice can turn even the sweetest phrase sour. You may have the other person’s best interest at heart but the message gets lost in the nasty translation. Most often, people hear and interpret the message based on the tone in which it was delivered. The way you express your feelings and desires is very important. No one responds well to harsh language and demands. The goal is to draw people to you and create healthy, meaningful and positive relationships.

Don’t get discouraged if none of the above comes naturally to you. It’s okay. We are all shaped by our experiences and unfortunately, everyone has not had the experience of being encouraged, receiving empathy or being spoken to sweetly. These concepts may appear foreign and seem impossible to some. The good news is you can learn! All that is required is a willing spirit and practice.

Meet the Author
Author Hazel Mills
, has written several short stories, novels and articles for publication. Hazel has been recognized as a part of Who’s Who in Black Birmingham (2009) and Who’s Who in Black Alabama (2014). She was the recipient of an AAMBC Literary Award in 2009 and was a contributor to the African American Literary Award winning anthology, Mocha Chocolate: Taste a Piece of Ecstasy, as well as a nominee for her own book(2008). Hazel’s latest novel series, Mr. Wrong After All and Mr. Wrong After All: Second Chances, was released in 2015 by Mahogany Red Books. She enjoys writing and being a wife and mother of three sons.

Walking on Thin Ice by Re'Gena Bell-Roberts

Re'Gena Bell-Roberts was featured on the Steve Harvey Show as one of the Harvey's Heroes!

Walking on Thin Ice, a memoir of love, hate, envy, and greed traces a young woman's pursuit of stardom down a dangerous road that leads to shattered dreams and a harrowing fate.

Re'Gena Bell-Roberts found herself staring down the barrel of a revolver, and a wave of disbelief rippled through her. An explosion blasted her into a nightmare. The room swirled slowly. Click––click. The sound reverberated each time as the shooter pulled the trigger. She realized this woman was trying to kill her! 

In Walking on Thin Ice, Re'Gena Bell-Roberts shares her riveting story against the backdrop of a childhood sexual molestation. She is one, among a few young girls from the small town of Pasco, Washington, who harbored dreams of fame, fortune, and a craving for the love of a powerful man.

After high school graduation, Re'Gena's life transforms. Despite myriad warnings, she falls for the charming Max Clayton, a thirty-three year old streetwise hustler who entices her into a dark underworld of illicit sex and drugs.

When Max betrays her, their life takes a fateful turn. The gripping saga explodes in the Mount Baker area of Seattle, Washington; and depicts Re'Gena's struggle to deal with a tragic life-changing event that threatens her very existence. But she fights back with unshakable strength, courage, and a will to survive.


By Brenda Bentley Parrrish 

This book is an awesome read. The determination and persistence of a woman with the willpower to begin productive and purposeful living after bad decision making based upon her love for a man almost cost her, her life. The story paints a picture of a beautiful woman of inner strength with her children giving her courage to become a champion. Her love for her man Max, consumed her very existence: mind, body, heart, soul and spirit. Finally she realized that she was starring in a role that was intended to be her final curtain call. After a near death experience she triumphant and find that God will sometime take you down a long winding road when he is teaching you a lesson to get you where he ordained you to be in this life. The story has several valleys and peaks and even a cliff. I am looking forward to the sequel. Great job ReGena Bell Roberts. Your bravery, persistence and determination are a powerful testimony to many who have fallen head over heels in love. Thank you for sharing your story with the world.

By Lionel Mitchell

This was a story that I could not put down. Re'Gena is so courageous to write her story. I pray that some young women will read it , so that they may not go down the same road. The words on those pages were so descriptive. Drawing you in and making you feel all the life in the story. There is love, laughter, and pain. As a first time author this story should be a best seller.

By Verlean Gladney 

This book made me laugh and cry. It made me happy, sad, angry and a host of other emotions. This book gave me strength and hope. Very well written and totally gripping. I could not put it down. A must read for all you ladies from any walk of life. This book could literally save your life. I thank the author for sharing her life with me. I can hardly wait for her next book!

The San Diego Union-Tribune Featured Story on Re'Gena Bell-Roberts

Re'Gena Bell-Roberts has a life story full of tragedy, pain and redemption. Confined to a wheelchair after she was shot at the age of 21 by a woman her fiance was seeing on the side, Roberts found a way to overcome her disability and, against considerable odds, create a nurturing and supportive environment in which to raise her triplets, who were just 2 years old at the time of the attack.

"You know, God gives you strength to do what you need to do," Roberts said.

These days Roberts, who was an aspiring actress when she was shot, and managed to do some stage work even after she was confined to her wheelchair, is working on her autobiography and hopes to one-day see her story on the big screen.

In the meantime, she will get a little time on the small screen. Roberts will be featured Wednesday on the Steve Harvey Show in a segment called Harvey's Heroes. Roberts' daughter, LyNea Bell, one of the triplets, nominated her mother for the recognition.

Bell, 40, works as a talent agent for Media Artists Group in Los Angeles.

"We never had an excuse," Bell said. "We couldn't have an excuse because the example was right there. So it made it a lot tougher. You couldn't cry, 'No, I can't.' It was, 'We have to.'"

The other triplets are Bell's two brothers -- McClain, an entrepreneur who lives not far from his mother in Southern California, and DeShae, who now lives in Seattle and is hoping to become a welder.

After she was shot in Seattle in 1974 while attending the University of Washington, Roberts briefly moved back home to Pasco, Wash., and in with her mother to rehabilitate from her injuries and get help with the children. But she quickly saw that was not going to be a long-term answer.

"My mother was working full-time and, you know, she'd (have to) get up all the time at night," Roberts said. "And I saw this painful look in her eyes, like it was killing her. She was tired. And I made a decision that I was moving."

Eventually, Roberts landed in Los Angeles, where her best friend from home, Cat Gibson, was living with one of Roberts' sisters. Roberts was able to support herself financially on money she was eligible for through the Washington state crime victims compensation program.

Still, she had to cook, clean and manage the triplets, whom she called little rascals.

"They were a handful," she said. "... plotting, doing what kids normally do."

Roberts is a quadriplegic, but has limited use of her hands.

As the kids got older she enlisted their help, teaching them how to put the coins in the machines at the laundromat, and help her with the folding. After she arranged for an automobile with hand controls, a Chevrolet Monte Carlo, she trained the kids to collapse the chair and pack it in the trunk.

"We had a whole system," Bell said.

Once the triplets got going in school, Roberts had more time on her hands and she went back to college, eventually graduating from UCLA with a history degree. Her mother came down from Washington to attend the ceremony.

"It was an accomplishment," Roberts said. "My mom was very happy. She wore my cap and gown after I took it off. She didn't graduate from high school. So she was very proud of me."

Roberts was the first in the family to graduate.

The second act of her life, which followed, featured a move back to Washington where she jumped into producing, taking part in community theater and putting on gospel showcases. For a few years, she produced and directed the local Martin Luther King Day events.

She and Gibson formed their own production company. Everything was fine, as long as Roberts wasn't part of a committee.

"I didn't have the time to sit around in meetings," she said.

But within a few years, that was exactly what she was doing. After moving the family to Seattle, she dove into government and politics, serving on the Governor's Committee for Disability Issues and Employment, and later as a member of the Seattle Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.

For Roberts, acting and producing were replaced by organizing and advocating, although she still performs occasionally under the stage name Re'Gena Bell.

"What goes on behind the scenes in the city, that just mesmerized me," she said.

She ran twice unsuccessfully for the Seattle City Council, on a platform of helping the disenfranchised.

Today, she sits in her comfortable, nicely appointed home in Murrieta, where she has lived with her husband since 2004, and muses about her bucket list. A hot air balloon ride is next up.

A new van would be nice, too. She lost her last one in an accident. The ever-resourceful Roberts is an entrant in an online contest to win just such a vehicle. Anyone interested in voting, can visit

Bell considers the full depth and breadth of her mother's story, and marvels.

"This is why she's my hero," Bell said. "This is why I wrote in (to the Steve Harvey Show), because I look at all the things of this world, and I look at how much that she's influenced our lives, and I am just so proud. And it's right in front of me every single day."

Original Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune Feature Story on Re'Gena Bell-Roberts

Photo credit: Regina Roberts of Murrieta was featured on the Steve Harvey Show in a segment called Harvey's Heroes. Behind her are her children: DeShae Bell, LyNea Bell, Steve Harvey and McClain Bell.  Courtesy photo — Steve Harvey ShowCourtesy photo

Order Walking on Thin Ice by Re'Gena Bell-Roberts
Download Link:  
Genre:   True Story. Non-fiction. Memoir 






Save for Retirement or Pay Down Debt
by Harrine Freeman

Your financial, family or health situation can change at any time so it’s better to have little to no debt. Here are 5 ways to help you plan for retirement and pay down debt. 

1. Downsize or downgrade. Scale back temporarily by making adjustments to your lifestyle by moving to a smaller home or trading in your luxury car for a compact or mid-size car. 

2. Retirement. Contribute the maximum amount towards your retirement.

3. Debt. If you’re in debt due to credit cards, student loans or late payments paying those off should be a priority. Focus on one bill at a time starting with the smallest bill. 

4. Peer Pressure. Avoid peer pressure from your co-workers, children and friends to buy things you can’t really afford. This behavior results in financial disaster.

5. Automate. Get organized and automated your finances. Use tools to help track your money and pay bills online or use automatic paycheck deduction. This will prevent you from paying late fees, help you easily keep track of your money and help you achieve financial goals.

Here are some helpful links regarding personal finance from Harrine Freeman: 

Purchase How to Get Out of Debt: Get an a Credit Rating for Free 






Tips on How to Get Approved for a Mortgage Loan 
by Harrine Freeman

A home is one of the largest purchases you will ever make in your lifetime. Here are some ways to ensure you get approved for a mortgage loan. 

1.  Proof. Showing proof that you have funds available to cover the down payment. 

2.  Sourced and seasoned. Sourced means the lender can determine where the assets came from. Seasoned means that the assets have been in your bank account for at least 30 days but varies by bank. 

3.  Debt. Pay down as much debt as possible. Your debt-to-income ratio should be 36% or less (your monthly debt divided by your monthly income).

4.  Income. You must show proof of income and taxes filed for the past three years. 

5.  Collateral. Possessing collateral or assets such as a retirement account, stocks, bonds, a car, real estate, art, etc. eases banks fears that you will default on your mortgage loan.

6.  Credit. Possess a credit score of at least 700. Explanation of any late payments in the past 2 years. 

Here are some helpful links regarding personal finance: 

How to Increase Your Credit Score by Harrine Freeman

Credit scores are used to determine: if you will be hired for a job, approval for credit, interest rates, terms and conditions, down payment costs, rates for medical and other insurance coverage, approval for cable and internet service and more.  A credit score ranges from 300-850 with 850 being the highest score and 300 being the lowest core. A good credit score is 700 or above. Here are 6 things you can do to increase credit score:

1. Review. Review your credit reports at least once a year at and fix any errors on your credit reports.

2. Balances. Keep credit card balances at 20% or less of the credit limit.

3. New Accounts. Don’t open more than one new account every 2 years. 

4. Payments. Pay all your bills on time. Get current on any late accounts.

5. Credit. If you have bad credit open a secured credit card to help reestablish your credit history. 

Meet the Author

Harrine Freeman is an authority on personal finance. She is a financial counselor, CEO of H.E. Freeman Enterprises and Author of "How to Get out of Debt: Get An “A” Credit Rating for Free," a self-help book that provides a step-by-step plan on how to get out of debt, increase credit scores and plan for the future. 

She has impacted the lives of thousands through speaking engagements and counseling. She helps client's prepare for financial freedom, by providing useful advice to steer clients in the right direction. 

She is a member of Credit Professionals International, American Association of Daily Money Managers, American Association of Individual Investors and National Speakers Association. Harrine has been featured in: Featured in Market Watch, Wall Street Journal, Forbes,The Washington Post, NASDAQ, Huffington Post, MSN Money, Black Enterprise, Essence Magazine, Ebony, and Woman’s Day magazines. 

Connect with Harrine Online 






God’s View of HEALTHY 
by Dr. Carol Peters-Tanksley

Imagine you could walk through an imaginary door, and on the other side you would magically and immediately be completely healthy. Would you do it? Would you recognize yourself? What, if anything, would be different about you from what you are right now? And does God really care about you being healthy?

Think of the billions of dollars spent and the entire industries built around people trying to get healthy or feel better in some way. That includes weight loss systems, nutritional supplements, plastic surgery, life coaching, marital counseling, stress management and wellness seminars, retreats, and products, and much of the healthcare industry itself. Makes you tired just thinking about it! It’s only in the last several decades that much of this phenomenon has come to be. Come to think of it, what did people do before self-help groups, General Nutrition Centers, and bariatric surgery?

I’m being only slightly facetious. There’s much of value in the various products, services, and industries trying to help people experience a better life. But what are we really after? What kind of “health” are we trying to achieve?
“If you aim at nothing,” someone has quipped, “you are sure to reach it every time.” While God never shows us every detail of the future He has for us, He allows enough sneak previews to make us hungry for it. He calls us to a life that’s more challenging, meaningful, and abundant than anything we could ask for or achieve on our own.

I believe healthy is exactly what Jesus meant when He said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).  Here’s what that looks like physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually:

Fully Alive Physically

God cares about your body. He created it. It’s His temple through His Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). When He was here on Earth, Jesus spent much of His time healing people physically (Mathew 4:24; Luke 6:19). God wants you well!  That doesn’t mean He isn’t with you when you’re sick, or that He guarantees a completely illness-free life in the here and now. We still live in a sinful, messed up world. But as your healthy lifestyle and God’s blessing work together, your physical body can be vibrantly alive (Romans 8:11).  That looks like:

* Generally strong and energetic a majority of the time
* Physically able to fully engage in the purpose God has for you
* No addictions or lifestyle illnesses
* Free from destructive lifestyle behaviors, such as substance abuse or unhealthy sexual behavior

Your physical body, and how you care for it, can be a demonstration of God’s restoring, healing, and sustaining power.

Fully Alive Mentally and Emotionally

God cares about your mind and emotions. Rather than fear, He promised “power, . . . love, and . . . a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). He goes about transforming and renewing your mind as you continue walking with Him (Romans 12:2; 1 Peter 1:13).

Many of the challenges you and I face in this world come through our thoughts and emotions. Remember that Jesus experienced fatigue, loneliness, and sadness (Mathew 26:37–40; Mark 4:38). We will continue to experience negative feelings as long as we’re in this world, but we don’t have to be controlled by them. You can have a sound mind and a healthy emotional life.  That looks like:

* Able to experience the full range of human emotions—sadness, grief, pain, joy, love, hope
* Not being stuck in a state of anger, fear, anxiety, bitterness, or other destructive emotions
* Mental and emotional ability to fulfill the purpose God has for you
* Mental clarity in discerning and interpreting God’s voice

God promises you can have a mind like Jesus’ (Philippians 2:5). That’s not some nebulous spiritual idea; it’s the result of His renewing of your mind.

Fully Alive Relationally

God cares about your relationships. God Himself is relational, and He desires relationship with you (Jeremiah 31:33,34). Families are a part of His plan (Psalm 68:6). The relationship between husband and wife is a picture of how close He wants to be with you and me (Ephesians 5:31,32), and our love for others is a demonstration of our connection with Him (John 13:35).

There is probably no bigger factor in your own well-being, or in the impact your life has on others, than the quality of your closest relationships. Those relationships can be characterized by the same quality of love and strength God demonstrates to us.  What that looks like:

* If you’re married, your relationship with your spouse characterized by love and respect
* If you’re single, living a full and vibrant life connected with others in healthy ways
* Living with sexual integrity, whether married OR single
* Having a full range of connections with others, characterized by mutuality, love, and growth

You’re going to be living in relationship with other people for eternity. The richness of that life can begin now.

Fully Alive Spiritually

God cares about your heart, your innermost being, your soul, your spirit. That’s the part of you that connects with God most directly. It’s precious, and it’s worth protecting with everything you have (Proverbs 4:23).

There’s an all-out assault going on, a battle for your heart. As long as we live in this world, heart wounds and battle scars mean that we’ll need God’s presence to keep, preserve, and make alive this most unique and valuable part of who we are. Regardless of any other circumstances, God will strengthen our hearts (Ephesians 3:16–19). What that looks like:

* A relationship with God that is resilient, growing, and real
* Continuing to experience God’s transforming power in all aspects of your life
* Participating in the advance of God’s kingdom on Earth
* Demonstrating hope for the future in the midst of troubles now

God’s presence making your inner being fully alive will “leak out” and make the other parts of you alive as well.

Does that picture of “healthy” sound like an impossible dream? It isn’t! It’s never too late to get better, and it’s never too early to start.  Rather than becoming discouraged by such an ambitious goal, let it inspire you, encourage you, and motivate you to work together with God more than ever before in finding and living the full life He has for you.

About the Author

Dr Carol Peters-Tanksley M.D., D.Min.
, is a licensed practicing OB-Gyn physician, and also an ordained Christian minister. As an author and speaker she is passionate about helping others discover the full and joyous life Jesus came to bring. Find out more on her website And join her on Twitter or Facebook.  Dr Carol and her husband Al make their home in Austin, Texas.

Listen to the radio show: 
Shop for the Live Healthy, Live Whole book: 




The Princess Within by Tumika Patrice Cain

Inside every woman is an inner princess. That place which beckons to be pampered, adored, adorned, and treated with the kidskin gloves of royalty. It is not in the fantasies of little girls because Disney created Cinderella and a host of princesses thereafter. Instead it stems from a reality that we are from the stock of true royalty. Divinity, even. We are the result of having been created from the ultimate King. The Most High, the most royal, the most divine is our Father. And just like in the fairytales, we earthly princesses have come across evil witches, possessed octopuses, and bitten into poisonous apples given by beguiling serpents who have planned our demise. All in an attempt to strip us from our rightful place in the kingdom. All in an attempt to convince us that we are not who we were born to be; created to be. All in an attempt to persuade us that the only life that lies ahead for us is that of a pauper. 

And for many years, many of us choose to believe these lies. We begin to attract men who tear us down with their harsh words, hard hands and complete ignoring of our needs. In our attempts to get our needs met, we chase them. Chase them hard. We think, I don't want him to forget me. Maybe if I call him more, buy him what he wants, make myself available to his beck and call, then he will be willing to stand up and be the prince I know I need. It is with each attempt that we lose more and more of our layers of divinity. No longer do we walk with our heads held high. The straight ramrod posture we used to have is replaced with slumped shoulders. The princess has begun to carry burdens she doesn't have the strength, the stamina or the stature to hold. She wasn't created to; we weren't created to. What was once a sparkle in her eyes falls away to a dull glimmer and eventually the light extinguishes altogether. In the midst of all of this, she has forgotten who she is; we have forgotten who we are. She doesn't dress the same, walk, talk or move the same. 

Meanwhile the evil one plotting her demise sits along the sidelines laughing, convinced she will lay down and die. Convinced we will lie down and die. But princesses are strong. We are made that way. For how can you care for the needs of others and make life better for those who haven't tapped into their inner power if we are weaklings. No, the call of a princess is to offer a better chance for those who have not yet found their way. Truly things look as if there is no answer in sight. There appears to be no knight in shining armor or prince whose kiss is so potent it can withstand the walls of darkness, but I remind you again that we come from the root of all royalty. And our champion is there to save, to heal, to rescue and to set us on the right course leading back to our rightful place. That is, if we are willing to do the work.

This is the piece the fairytales fail to mention. There is work involved in getting back to a place of wholeness. But as the old adage goes, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." There are times it feels we will never reach the end from all the damage that has been done. But truly we are able. One step at a time, albeit however slow those steps might be. Slow and steady. That is the key. And, of course, obedience to the One who knows the very path we need to take in order to get out of the enchanted forest and back onto the palace grounds.

Like Esther who went through a year of beauty treatments before being presented to the king, our lives should reflect that same level of care. Our skin should glow from the delicious, healthy foods that have been placed on the earth for us to eat. We should be rubbed with the finest oils as the tension is massaged out of our bodies. Our teeth should gleam because we take the time to take care of them. There should be so much bounce in our hair that a slight breeze causes it to lift and fall right back into place. And our eyes should sparkle like starlight because we get enough rest. As daughters of the King, it is important for us to take time to reflect; to figure out if we are on course, and if not, design a plan to get us where we want to go. Everything in the universe was designed to help us maximize our life's experience. It is not for the kingdom princesses to be burdened down with relationships with those who cause stress, discord and unrest. The life of a princess should be easy. Easy on the eyes, easy on the mind, easy on the body, easy on the spirit. And of the ladies in waiting, we have no time for jealousy, backbiting, or rude attempts to tear down. Not everyone will be where we are and that is okay. But it is not for us to sacrifice the life we are destined to have to those who have not stepped into their own kingdom position. Living the life of a princess means embracing who we were created to be. It may be necessary to cut some people loose, but don't lose heart, dear one. He who sees all, created all, will send others to fill that place. Keeping our hearts open and full of light is our only job as it pertains to this part of life.

Love those who have hurt us - even if we have to love them enough to let them go and love them from a distance. Whatever was done isn't worth the turmoil and lack of peace it takes to keep reliving the experience. Hurting people hurt people...and they hurt themselves, too. Since we know who we are and we know what we give, it is a hurt to their own selves when they mistreat us and have the access to our lives severed. Their leaving is not a reflection on us, no matter what evil words they let spew from their own mouths. It is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. So we love them and pray blessings of healing and love, direction and deliverance, health and prosperity into their lives - never forgetting the kiss that woke us up out of a terrible slumber and started us on the road to our own place in the kingdom. We don't forget, but we don't have to be part of everyone's journey either.

So, today go and get pedicures, after all we cannot have chipped toenails while wearing glass slippers. And when we step out, it is with confidence and assurance in who we are and what we deserve. We are daughters of the Most High, princesses in our own right. If perhaps we have not been willing to truly accept our role, today we make the decision to step into our rightful place. If we have accepted that we are princesses, then we take some time to reflect to make sure all is as it should be. Either way, there is an amazing life awaiting each one of us. Today is the day we decide will not live beneath our privilege. Others are waiting on us to take our rightful place to see by example that they can do it too. This is our role as princesses: to encourage, uplift and help others realize their own potential for greatness.

Changing lives one word at a time...Tumika Patrice Cain

Meet the Author

Tumika Patrice Cain is an award-winning author, media personality and publisher whose works centers around uplifting, encouraging and empowering others to live the abundant life. She is also an accomplished poet; founder of the Say What?? Book Club; and host of the internet radio shows Living Abundantly with Tumika Patrice Cain, In The Spotlight, and Say What?? Author Spotlights. In addition, she is a respected book reviewer and columnist for PEN’Ashe Magazine, a contributing writer for BLOG and Belief Magazines, and editor for two smaller publishing companies. A champion for indie authors, she works tirelessly to level the playing field to bring exposure to those authors who excel at their craft, but whose marketing budgets are limited. Inkscriptions, her publishing company, offers a myriad of book publishing services. Living by the motto of each one reach one, each one teach one, Tumika shares her passion for purpose and for life with all who cross her path. She is the 2013 recipient of a Spoken Word Billboard award for her debut novel, Season of Change (December 2012), a novel that has since been picked up by Shan Presents and will be re-released as When a Man Loves a Woman – A Season of Change in December 2015. To her publishing credit, she is also the author of After the Rain…a Poetry Collective (March 2014) and The Heart of a Woman (August 2015). Tumika’s works have been published in numerous magazines, anthologies, newsletters and periodicals.






Move by Colette R. Harrell

This is an exciting time in my life. An opportunity to be astounded at where God has brought me. An opportunity to reach out to those who are waiting for their “shift.” And, yes, I am still on the journey, but thank God I have moved. My pastor, once taught on how the properties of the Dead Sea incorporated the action of taking and not giving; therefore, it was stagnant. Stagnation aborts growth and fosters inertia. What a life lesson! We should move, but in the direction of giving more than receiving. Can I get an Amen? What does your journey look like? Stagnation? Or movement?

On a shopping spree with friends one day, some wanted to split up and look for things on sale to meet their own specific needs. Having divalicious taste in shoes that day, my feet hurt. Those cute ten-minute shoes—so fashionable—so wrong—so I decided to sit down and wait. After sitting for a few minutes, the Holy Spirit nudged me to “move.” So, even though my feet still hurt, I was obedient. I stood and walked, but in a different direction than my friends. It was an unbeaten path. 

Later, I returned to my friends, arms loaded with all types of goodies. I was joyful because I had found favor with several salesmen and for very little cost, I had items that would bless my home and others. 

When they saw me, one of my friends exclaimed, “You weren’t where we left you!”

I smiled, and replied, “No, I moved.”

I realized then and there that it was in the movement (you see, it is a hearing and doing “thang”) that I received my blessing. And I’m doing a new thang as an author: publishing a book and giving my inner thoughts to others. There is some fear in the unknown, but I want to be a prisoner of hope. If anything should chain me, let hope have its way! 

I pray that we are NOT where we were the last time mama, daddy, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, friend or foe saw us last. If you ever put out a spiritual APB (missing person report) on me, tell them not to look where I was last seen, because, honey, I will have moved. I will have made some progress, even if I only moved a short distance forward. I would have . . . moved. 

I ain’t bragging ’cause He’s no respecter of persons. I’m just saying through my obedience (even when I’m tired) and through my tribulations (even when I want to give up), I am Moved! Lord, help me, somebody!

Don’t let anybody (even yourself) put you in a place where you don’t move (that’s right, DON’T, not CAN’T—it is a CHOICE). Let your spirit stand in agreement with the One who brought you. To stand still and know He is God is a forward move, not a stalemate. Every day they passed by the man that lay by the pool of Bethesda, and he was always there . . . lying and waiting. He had to come into agreement BEFORE he could move. 

Don’t be afraid if your forward move takes you along an unbeaten path. Get your life. He is faithful, and He will plant you where you will grow and flourish. And while you are planted in rich soil, you will move—first in the hidden places, then upward! Yes, my beloved, grow into maturity, dependence on God, and the ability to carry the seed to its birthing season.

I am praying with you today that you will pick up your bed of fear, debt, pain, sorrow, rejection, abandonment, and loneliness—and MOVE. He promises that the trip will be worth it. 

About the Author

Colette Harrell, wants you to know that she’s like you, God’s chosen vessel. She has come to be a gift, to be an encourager and a light that reflects God’s goodness.

She’s a wife, mother, author and playwright. A Detroit native, she currently calls Ohio home. She holds a master’s and is a Director of Social Services. Writing with humor and compassion to engage and minister to the human heart. Her motto is: whatever you do, do it “for love alone.”

Her latest novel, Tell The Truth; The Devil Won’t will thrill readers as much as The Devil Made Me Do It, her debut novel. It is filled with wisdom and humor. This adventurous love story goes where Ms. Harrell loves to tread, down an unbeaten path. No millionaires rescuing damsels in distress—although she enjoys these reads herself—but every day people, falling and getting back up. 

The Devil Made Me Do It, her debut novel, was nominated for The 2015 Phillis Wheatley Book Awards in First Fiction. It has been held as one of Black Pearl Magazine’s, top ten Christian fiction books for 2014. In addition, Read Between The Lines radio show, named it as one of its overall top ten books for 2014.

Make no mistake, her sophomore novel, Tell The Truth, The Devil Won’t will cement her as an author to watch. 

Twitter: @ColetteRHarrell  or  
Colette R. Harrell Pinterest:  
Amazon Books:  

Tell the Truth The Devil Won't (Book 2)


The Devil Made Me Do It (Book 1)



Kiera Finds Peace and Her Family 
by Kiera J. Northington

~ Don't GO through life, GROW through life! ~

As an adoptee, I’m often asked questions like: “Why are you searching for your birth family? At your age, why even bother? How do your adopted parents feel about that? Why did your mother give you away?” My response is always, “Everyone has a right to know who they are, and where they come from. It doesn’t matter how they feel; it’s my choice. Mommy didn’t give me away, she died.” My circumstances are different from lots of other adoptees in the fact that I knew my birth mother and maternal grandparents; my life was perfect, I had all the love a child could possibly want and need. I never knew my birth father, not even his name. But, I never thought much about it; I had so many people loving me, that I really didn’t notice the gap. 

I will never forget the day the phone call came, to let us know that my mother had a massive heart attack, and was admitted to the hospital. Back then, children weren’t allowed to visit the ICU under any circumstances; the last memory I had of Mommy was her brushing my hair that morning before school, and she didn’t come home. Two weeks later, my mother’s best friend sat me down, to tell me that Mommy had gone to heaven. At the age of eight years old, I was suddenly motherless. The world as I knew it had suddenly changed, and it wasn’t about to get any better. Children’s Services said that my grandparents were too old to take care of me, and since my mother’s best friend, whom I’d called “Auntie” ever since I’d learned how to talk, wasn’t a blood relative, she couldn’t keep me either.

I was placed into foster care, and later adopted by my foster family. At the age of 10, I went to family court with my soon to be adoptive family; the judge read over the paperwork, and then he asked me if I wanted to be adopted and why. I told him, “Yes, I want to be adopted, because I want to be part of a family.” Then he asked me if I wanted my name changed; I replied, “No, because then when I look for my real family, they won’t know who I am. The judge smiled at me, and signed the paperwork. He also ordered that my given name, middle name, and surname remain the same; my adopted last name would be hyphenated with my birth surname.

The day I was adopted, the court clerk slipped me my original birth certificate, and told me to hide it for future reference; in NY, once a child is adopted, their ORIGINAL birth certificate is permanently destroyed, and a new one issued with the new parents' names on it. It's like they erase your roots, permanently. Your adoption record is PERMANENTLY sealed, never to be accessed by you, the birth parents, ever again!

For 9 years, after I was adopted, I was physically abused by my adopted dad. It started when I was 9, while I was still their foster child, and finally ended the night I graduated high school. I've had a fractured skull, broken ribs, broken wrist, dislocated and broken fingers, dislocated shoulders, twisted ankles, and black eyes. The doctors now believe that all of these old injuries are what caused me to develop fibromyalgia, and also to suffer from PTSD. 

Once I graduated high school, I moved to Georgia, put myself through college, got married, and had kids; finally, I had what I thought was a normal life. I was now a wife, and mother, determined not to treat my children the way that I’d been treated. On the outside, everything looked fine; I was able to function normally. But, inside, I was a hot mess; I had flashbacks, and horrible nightmares. I constantly looked over my shoulder, and would jump out of my skin at the slightest noise. Eventually, my marriage ended badly, and I was left to raise my son alone. 

My youngest son had been murdered, and things had deteriorated for me health wise to the point where I couldn't work any longer. I was depressed; tired of the physical / emotional / mental suffering and in 2009, tried to commit suicide. I had to hit rock bottom in order to pull myself back up. With counseling, and support from my son, I was able to get myself back together, slowly. The therapist told me that I couldn't move on, because I kept rooting myself in the past. He said that I had to forgive in order to be free of the things holding me down! 

I had not contacted my adoptive parents since 1980 (the year I graduated); so I made the decision to call him; I gave my adopted dad the option to admit what he'd done, and to apologize, so that we could move forward, and be a family in the true meaning of the word. He refused, so I told him I forgave him, and I wouldn't contact them again. Talk about freedom! I felt like I'd finally shed the shackles that bound me! I pulled out my old birth certificate, and started reading all kinds of books about making a family tree; I opened an account on, after seeing one of those commercials. A close friend had encouraged me to give it a shot; what could I lose?

It was a few weeks after that, I found my father's side of the family on;  it was as if in order to make room for them, I had to let go of the hatred and hostility in my heart to make room for the love that was out there waiting on me! I first made contact with 2 of my brothers; my oldest brother told me that my father looked for me until the day he died, and that if I found him, to tell me he loved me! Do you know what a feeling that gave me? And come to find out, when I was contacted by my baby brother, he lived 30 minutes away from me!!! 

This gave me the energy to track down my birth mother's family, and I managed to find her first cousin, aged 87, who'd done a family tree for me! He said, "I did a family tree for you just in case you ever came back home." Now on both sides, I know names, and how they're related to me. Sadly, on Mommy's side, her cousin is the eldest member of the family, and at 53, I'm next in line.

That was one of the reasons that I've been so diligent about finding my birth family; since finding them, and getting to know them, for the first time in a long time, I've felt loved, wanted, needed, and most of all, I've got a sense of belonging. To know who I am and where I came from, that is truly the biggest blessing of them all!

Follow Kiera on Facebook:   




#LifeAfter by Bernice L. McFadden

In 2008, the writing was on the wall that things in my life were about to change and not for the better. The stock market had crashed, taking sixty percent of my retirement money right along with it. To make matters worse - I was out of not one, but two writing jobs. My daughter was in her second year of college, I had a car note, two homes – which of course meant two mortgage payments and a manuscript that no one seemed to want to publish. Oh yeah, and I had no income.

It would take a book to accurately convey how I made it though that dark period of my life. For brevity sake, I will say this: for years, God had been walking a plethora of good, kind and generous people into my life. That combined with my faith and prayer – saw me through.

At the end of 2012, I sold my Brooklyn home and set off on a journey of renewal and rediscovery which I happily refer to as #LifeAfter.  People always ask, what does #LifeAfter mean? What it represents for me is my life after fear and loss.  Between 2009 and 2012 I was so afraid of losing everything I had worked so hard to accumulate, that it nearly drove me insane. After much meditation, tantrums and tears, I came to the realization that holding on to a life that no longer wanted me was affecting my emotional, physical and mental health. 

So, I turned in my car, sold my house, threw caution to the wind and set out to rediscover myself.  Some folks climbing out of trauma crave stability and solace, but I have a roaming spirit and so the best medicine for me has always been escape. A few weeks after I closed on the sale of my home, I was on a plane. In three years I’ve managed to wander as far away as Australia and as close to home as Canada. The thing that I learned while collecting all of those precious air miles, was that the world is indeed round and so is life. 

What the old people say is true: God doesn’t close a door without opening a window.  Being forced to let go of possessions I believed I couldn’t live without, was the best thing that happened to me because now I have less “stuff” and more joy and happiness in my life than I have had in a very long time.

My #LifeAfter has been amazing and as the late great, Ms. Maya Angelou liked to say: “I wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now.”  I'm looking forward to seeing what  #50Forward will bring!  

Latest Novel:   Loving Donovan by Bernice L. McFadden

A long-awaited reissue of this deeply thoughtful novel about hope, forgiveness, and the cost of loving Donovan, a complex man with a shattered history.

The first section of McFadden’s unconventional love story belongs to Campbell. Despite being born to a brokenhearted mother and a faithless father, Campbell still believes in the power of love . . . if she can ever find it. Living in the same neighborhood, but unknown to Campbell until a chance meeting brings them together, is Donovan, the “little man” of a shattered home—a family torn apart by anger and bitterness.

In the face of daunting obstacles, Donovan dreams of someday marrying, raising a family, and playing in the NBA. But deep inside, Campbell and Donovan live with the histories that have shaped their lives. What they discover—together and apart—forms the basis of this compelling, sensual, and surprising novel.

What people are saying…

One of Library Journal's 25 Key Indie Fiction Titles for Fall 2014-Winter 2015!

Bernice L. McFadden is one of the best contemporary literary writers out there today . . . Her brilliance, her talent as a novelist, is the very life she breathes into all of her characters.” —Terry McMillan, from the Introduction

"A two-time Hurston/Wright Legacy Award finalist also twice honored by the Black Caucus of the American Library Association, McFadden presents a love story starring Campbell and Donovan—both from shattered homes, both still hopeful, and both shaped more by history than they can imagine. Don't miss."
—Library Journal Prepub Alert

"Loving Donovan firmly establishes McFadden among the ranks of those few writers of whom you constantly beg for more." —Black Issues Book Review

"McFadden is clearly adept in keeping the reader entertained, captivated, and on our toes to try to figure out what's going to happen next. The rich characters, life situations, and language all wrapped up in such a small book and saying so much is a feat."  —Brown Girl Reading

Purchase Loving Donovan by Bernice L. McFadden 


Bernice L. McFadden photo credit: Eric Payne




We’re All Wearing the Racial Lens 
by Lydia E. Brew

It is hard for African Americans to be totally objective when it comes to race United States. It is equally hard for White America huh? We all are wearing the racial lens on our eyes and we can’t see straight.

When thinking of how the United States was founded it was based on freedom, especially freedom of religion. The United States was to be the picture of a beautiful “world” where everybody would free. All men would be equal. However, here we are at the end of 2014 and we’re still not there yet.

I believe some of the Founding Fathers did want everyone to be free, but the slave owners needed their slaves. Believe it or not slavery was about money NOT one’s skin color or the intelligence of the Negro. The Founding Fathers needed the Southern colonies to ratify (approve) the Constitution that would abolish slavery, so the Negro became three-fifths of a person. Perhaps the Founding Fathers thought that eventually all citizens of the United States would be free.

Instead many were told that the Negro was from Africa and that they ware inferior to the White man. Africa is the cradle of humanity.  Native Americans who were here first, and later forced on reservations, when they rebelled, the United States went to war. People were told that Native Americans were not civilized, so they were treated badly.

The list of what people are told about other races goes on and on.  Even after the Civil War, the Emancipation of the slaves, the Civil Rights movement, and even now with an African American president, there is still something we can’t quite get together.

Many White Americans and African Americans can’t seem to understand that there is just one race. We are confusing race with culture. We need to remember the past by trying to let each and every person, black, white, homosexuals, whoever live the American Dream. The racial lens needs to be removed from our eyes. Somehow we have to stop letting the history of racism control our future existence together.

Shortly after President Obama was sworn in, a college professor lost his keys and broke into his own house. The man was an African American professor and the officer who showed up on the scene was White. The professor was under stress and had his racial lens on. The officer was trying to get the facts. He was doing his job – he did not know that the man lived there. The professor did not see that the officer was investigating a crime. All he saw was the racial turmoil history that the United States can’t seem to find a solution for continuous racial problems.

The racial problem is a human condition and it affects everybody in a different way. We need to take off our racial lens and see the problems in society. Ferguson and the “I Can’t Breath” cases are not just about racism, but point to a United States that can’t seems to be the nation that the Founding Fathers envisioned.

About the Author
Lydia E. Brew
was born with cerebral palsy but has not allowed her physical limitations to stand in her way. Her writing provides insights into the world of the physically challenged. She graduated from Texas Southern University where she received The Society of Professional Journalist Sigma Chi Citation for Achievement. She was a member of the drama club and pledged Alpha0 Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Under the leadership of one of her journalism professors, Miss Brew penned her first book Edith, The Story of Edith Irby Jones, M.D. about the first African-American to graduate from The Arkansas School of Medicine. Upon finishing college, Miss Brew worked with the Houston Association of Black Journalists. She is a Christian and attends St. Stevens United Methodist Church.

Miss Brew founded Lydia’s Educational and Charitable Organization (LECO) when she decided to encourage young people to write. LECO did this by sponsoring a yearly contest in which the contestant had to write about positive role models who were alive and from the Houston area. Each student who wrote an eligible essay was given a certificate of participation. Winning writers received cash prizes.

Her second book titled Our Learn Together Book is a book for young readers based on the biography of Dr. Jones. It tells her story in a simplified format on one page and allows the reader to write their own biography on the other. There are activities in the back where younger children can learn developmental skills and older children can learn to do research.

Purchase Ungolden Silence by Lydia E. Brew






Let Me Wipe Your Tears by Natasha Frazier

Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. (1 John 4:11 NLT)

Lately, my mornings have not been going as planned. The general plan is to dress myself and then wake my children to get them ready. Since we’re totally off track, my childrenget out of bed before I’m ready, thus slowing us down and usually adding chaos to our morning routine.

My toddler is on a path to get into everything that he shouldn’t. This particular morning, he was going through my bathroom cabinet space pulling out my feather comb. Problem with this is that the handle is long with a pointy end. Of course I took it away several times but the final time, he couldn’t take it anymore. He had a fit! A stream of tears and an extremely pouty face followed.

In the midst of that, my daughter did something that both surprised and encouraged me. She sat down on the bathroom floor next to him and said, “Let me wipe your tears,” and proceeded to do just that. To my amazement, he stopped crying. I couldn’t believe it. In that moment, the Holy Spirit nudged me. We should show that kind of love to the people in our lives. Loving them through their pain instead of judging them. Sometimes all it takes is a listening ear and someone to wipe away the tears. Whose tears can you wipe today?

Heavenly Father, give me a heart that is loving and pure. Help me not to be judgmental but to show the kind of love that pleases You and encourages those You place in my path.

Additional scripture reading 1 John 4:7-21

Meet the Author
Natasha Frazier
has penned a Readers' Choice award-winning devotional, The Life Your Spirit Craves. The Life Your Spirit Craves is a 30-Day devotional and journal that encourages readers to seek, accept and pursue their God-given assignment.. Her second book, Not Without You: 365 Days in the Lord’s Presence encourages readers to make devotion a part of their everyday life by seeking God every day. Not Without You has been nominated for the Henri Award. The Henri Award recognizes excellence in Christian literature. Her debut fiction novel, Love, Lies & Consequences has also been nominated for the Henri Award. 

Pursue Purpose; It is never too late to do what you have been predestined to do!

Twitter and Instagram: @cpAKAuthor




Just Traveling Through by Kesha Redmon

Life can be very daunting at times; with its up and downs, twists and turns, and endless barrage of sad and depressing news. We should wonder how we dare to face the outside world on a daily basis. To think about it- some do not have the strength to carry on because life has beaten them down to where there will to survive is nonexistent.

How do we handle life’s disappointments? How do we garner the strength to face the challenges that seem to appear at every idle and waking moment? How do we find the courage to help others in their time of need, when we ourselves are standing in the same spot?

As puzzling as these questions are, there is an answer. Actually, it’s a learned behavior. We get through all these things with the grace and mercy of a higher power. Two magnificent acts working together in our favor. We learn over time that nothing lasts forever. With bad times, there are good times. With sad times, there are happy times. This life is a journey. Each day we continue on our own separate roads. Sometimes our roads crosses path with others and sometimes our paths end.

Through every difficult circumstance, every brow beating trial, every breath taking moment; life is just a journey and we’re just traveling through. The marvelous thing about this journey and the road we use to navigate it is the fact that if we don’t like the road we’re traveling on; we are free to get off at the next intersection, or turn down a different street. So although in the grand scheme of life, we have a limited control of the bumps and bruises that come our way; we can however change our paths. We can decide if we want to make a change. We don’t have to stay in abusive relationships, unhappy jobs, or depressing moments. This life is full of possibilities and potential. Let’s choose to make the best of it. We only get one life and one journey. Let’s travel through it well.





Your Breakthrough Is In Your Press by Chantea M. Williams

Focus - Mark 5:25-29 (KJV)

25 And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, 26 And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, 27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. 28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. 29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.

So many times we go to people we trust to help us and when the outcome is not what we expected it can make us bitter instead of better. There will be times when people we know won’t help us or are unable to help us. Regardless of the reason, we cannot stay stuck on it. God has a way of blocking people from rescuing us so that it will draw us to Him. I’m going to say that one more time. God has a way of blocking people from rescuing us to that it will draw us to Him.

If this woman had been healed through the doctors, then she would have never had an encounter with Jesus to know that He is a healer. Had she been healed by the doctors she would have never had a PRESS in her to release. Think about when God prevented certain people in your life from being what you needed them to be at that particular moment and how that drew you closer to Him.

Had you not keep pressing where would you be? Had you stop believing where would you be? Had you not stepped out on faith where would you be? Had you not had an encounter with the Lord where would you be? Instead of us having hard hearts towards them we should just begin to thank God and position ourselves for God to release more of Him into our lives. Sometimes we just need to get out of our feelings and get in His presence. We don’t know what God may be trying to do in us and through us.

I knew immediately when the Lord dropped this passage in my spirit after prayer this morning that He wanted me to encourage you not to give up. I know you have been waiting for your breakthrough that seems like forever and it still has not come to pass but keep pressing in.   If you only focus on the length of time it is taking before the promise is manifested then you will miss it. It doesn’t matter how many times it has prophesied to you keep pressing in. God had to keep reminding you in order for you to keep believing. He does not lie! If He said it, then you can bet your life on it.

If this woman had given up after she had spent everything she had on trying to get healed from the doctors, then she would have missed the presence Jesus. Be like this woman and encourage yourself. She said within herself if I can only touch his clothes, I shall be made whole. You have to know that when you come into the presence of God that you will never be the same.

This woman did not worry about the crowd. She was no longer concerned about their opinion of her condition. She did not let the majority over rule her desire to touch His clothes. So many times we hinder our own breakthrough because we are too concerned with insignificant people. Don’t miss that statement. So many times we hinder our own breakthrough because we are too concerned with insignificant people. In spite of what it looks like and how it may make us feel, we got to press our way in the natural and the spirit. We have to endure in order to win! You may have a down moment but you better get back up stronger than ever declaring I’M GOING TO PRESS MY WAY TO MY BREAKTHROUGH!

Prayer for this Week: 
Father, help me to press into Your presence today! I bind every distraction and hindrance that will try to keep me away from the presence of God today and cast it back to the pits of hell. I decree that that the Holy Spirit is loosed to move in my life and lead me into the presence of the Lord today despite my environment. Father, I thank You for the power behind my press! I thank You for the opened doors behind my press! I thank You for my restoration behind my press! I thank You for the transformation behind my press! I thank You for the newness of life behind my press! I thank You for the victory in my press! I shall not get weary but I shall remain steadfast in my press! I declare that my breakthrough is my press! I declare that my healing is in my press! I declare that my restoration is in my press! You will get the glory out of my press! In the name of Jesus, Amen!

Meet the Author

Chantea M. Williams is a Christian writer, Bible teacher and speaker who loves encouraging women to become greater through the word of God. Through her gifts, God created the Greater Working Women Ministries. They strive to encourage, empower and equip women from all walks of life to live out their God-given purpose with holy boldness. She has also launched her teen mom mentoring program, I Am Still Somebody™. One of her many passions is baking, especially during the holidays. 

Check out her newly released book The Greater Working Woman Prayer Book, Volume 1 and The Greater Working Woman Prayer Devotional, Volume 1. Don’t miss her upcoming book series for teen mothers to be released in early 2016.

Chantea M. Williams, Ministry Leader Greater Working Women Ministries





Victory Belongs to You by Natasha Frazier

His companion answered, “Your dream can mean only one thing—God has given Gideon son of Joash, the Israelite, victory over Midian and all its allies!” (Judges 7:14 NLT)

Fact: God has a plan for you.

Fact: God will give you guidance regarding this plan.

Fact: You have been given the victory and the enemy knows that you have been given the victory!

When I studied this passage, I did a little dance afterwards. Why? I think there is something very important about this story. You see, even though God had already told Gideon that He would give him victory, He also allowed Gideon to receive confirmation. The awesome part is that the confirmation came from the enemy’s camp. Wow! Life lesson: The enemy will fight you even though he knows that he will lose the battle. Therefore, you cannot become discouraged.

Although the voice of the enemy that you hear may not be as positive as Gideon’s confirmation, it is confirmation nonetheless. The voices of negativity, discouragement and defeat are not from God and are simply designed to get you off track. Don’t fall for it! Don’t lose focus!

All you have to do is be obedient to what you have been called to do. Fight! You already have the victory and the enemy knows it. It’s about time that you know it (and act like it) as well.

Prayer for Today: Lord, Thank You for the victory that You have given me. Thank You for giving me confirmation to keep me on track. Help me to always discern Your voice and follow it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Additional Scripture reading: Judges 7 and Romans 8.

Meet the Author

Natasha Frazier has penned a Readers' Choice award-winning devotional, The Life Your Spirit Craves. The Life Your Spirit Craves is a 30-Day devotional and journal that encourages readers to seek, accept and pursue their God-given assignment.. Her second book, Not Without You: 365 Days in the Lord’s Presence encourages readers to make devotion a part of their everyday life by seeking God every day. Not Without You has been nominated for the Henri Award. The Henri Award recognizes excellence in Christian literature. Her debut fiction novel, Love, Lies & Consequences has also been nominated for the Henri Award. 

Pursue Purpose; It is never too late to do what you have been predestined to do!

Twitter and Instagram: @cpAKAuthor




Is Sending a Thank You Note Becoming Obsolete? 
By Vivienne Diane Neal

It is a nice gesture to say thank you when a person gives you a gift. Furthermore, it is a sign of your appreciation and respect if you take the time out of your demanding and fast pace schedule to write a personal note or send a card of gratitude. Writing a thank you note does not have to be the great American novel. A simple Thank You for the Gift will suffice. Of course, to acknowledge the receipt of any gift is a point that should be made early in life. If a child never learned to say thank you for what is given to him or her, then chances are when that child becomes an adult, he or she will never give thanks for anything.

I do not know if this is a growing trend, but for the last forty years, I have attended many weddings and have always presented the bride and groom with a gift, either in person or by mail. However, I can count on one hand or better yet on half a hand, the number of notes of appreciations, which I have received.

In many cases, weddings can be a big production. Couples are under a lot of stress during this period. A great deal of time, energy and money go into planning that perfect and unforgettable event. Nowadays, the average wedding can cost up to $50,000.00. A bride would never forget to purchase her wedding gown, nor would the groom neglect to buy or rent his tuxedo. A couple will plop down a certain amount of money for their rings, food, drinks, flowers, music, video and photography and on many other products and services. Yet, many couples, for one reason or another, never remember to take time out to send a simple thank you message. After all, the giver has taken the time out of his or her hectic timetable to purchase a present for the bride and groom.

You may ask who is responsible for sending out the thank you notes. In my book, it is both the husband’s and wife’s responsibility. A person can never be too engaged to be grateful. One of the couple’s main priorities should be to acknowledge the giver of a gift. It is imperative to be courteous and appreciative.

So the next time someone gives you a gift, whether it is for a wedding, birthday or any occasion, have the decorum to send a thank you communiqué, because it lets the person know that you have placed great importance on the giver and the gift.

About the Author

Born in 1946, Vivienne Diane Neal is a writer, blogger, and an author. She is a storyteller with a wicked sense of humor, has been writing articles for over thirty years and started penning fictional short stories in 2007. Vivienne gets her story ideas from observing people, places and things and watching true TV court cases and talk shows. Her most recent novel is “Deception in Plain Sight,” a fictional crime story with a Hitchcock vibe.

Now, semi-retired, she continues to write short stores and articles on love, romance, relationships, and other topics of interest on her blog at:  and manages her dating site at 






The Math of Health & Wellness: Nutrition + Exercise + Peace 
by Brittani D. Williams

Everybody wants to live a healthier lifestyle but not everybody knows exactly what to do, they want a quick fix, or they lack the discipline it takes to apply the equation to their lives. So I want to share some tips to help in your quest for a healthier lifestyle the right way; Nutrition + Exercise + Peace = Total Health and Wellness. 

Starting with some nutritional things to consider, there are so many things that can hinder progress of a healthier lifestyle. For example:  (1) Please do not assume eating less is always better; your body needs nutrients to maintain an optimal metabolic rate. Depriving yourself of nutrients harms your body way more than it helps. 

(2) Calorie counting is not the ONLY thing to consider when trying to improve health/weight management. The process of calorie burning is different depending on the person, your metabolic rate, daily activity, etc. The listed amount of calories on a product is derived from perfect conditions during lab test and all calories burn at the same rate in in a lab, but our bodies don’t mirror “perfect conditions”. 

(3) You cannot eat whatever you want, exercise, and still be “healthy”. Health is defined by Webster in one definition as; flourishing condition: well-being. How can one truly flourish when he/she puts junk into his/her body? Skinny doesn’t automatically equal. Good nutrition is about eating clean, and healthy bodies are made 70% in the kitchen.

But it is quite simple to achieve a healthy nutritional lifestyle. Be mindful of the ingredients that you are consuming, remain diligent, and portion control. 

When it comes it exercise, a lot of us “can’t find the time to work out”, at least that was my biggest excuse (+) 99 pounds ago. I personally hate working out. But, in order to obtain my body goals I must make time to be active. Daily exercise is essential to health. I wake up an hour before I have to get the kids up, pop in a workout DVD, open up an app, or even, just to start my day with some type of activity. Anything stopping you from being active is an excuse, just 7 minutes a day of movement and determination can begin changes. 

Finally, the very most important piece of the equation is peace. Negative emotions yields emotional eating which equals weight gain. It is so very important to a weight loss journey that your mindset is a positive one. You can never have too much happy and it shows in your health. The happier you are; the more positive neurotransmitters are flowing, the better you feel, and the easier it is to make healthier choices (i.e eating cleaner and exercising). Find ways everyday to de-stress yourself.

I hope that you understood the math of health as I presented it to you. As you can see each component of the equation [ Nutrition + Exercise + Peace] is vitally important to total mind and body health and wellness. Allow me to leave you with a few daily practices to incorporate into your daily routine:   (1) Find a healthier swap for one meal a day. (ex; homemade turkey wrap vs fast food, salad vs corn as a side, WATER vs soda) 

(2) MAKE TIME to exercise 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week (I prefer morning workouts, let me know what works best for you) 

(3) Write it down. Studies show that people who journal their feelings can aid in reduced stress and aid in weight loss. 

About the Speaker

Brittani D. Williams, wife, and mother of two, is the owner of “It’s Not a Piece of Cake” Nutritional Coaching and Education, where her programs empower people to achieve weight goals by living a healthier lifestyle. 

Her passion began after she got tired of being overweight and unhappy with her appearance. She has been on her healthier lifestyle journey for over two years now and has lost a total of 100 pounds with healthier eating and exercise. She began making small dietary changes and incorporating her favorite exercise, walking, into her daily routine. As, time progressed her passion became stronger and she began researching, obtained a certification as a nutrition coach, and then sharing her passion.  For more about Brittani or her services email:




Did I Choose or Was I Chosen?
By E. N. Joy

There are Christian fiction writers and then there are Christians who write fiction. There is Christian fiction, then there is what some consider to be church fiction or church drama. You have some authors who didn’t necessarily set out to write Christian fiction, but they were placed in that category by either their publisher, or the book stores simply shelved them that way. And of course you have the writers whose work is categorized as Christian fiction but they do not write for a Christian fiction imprint, which means they are not necessarily writing with any type of guidelines. I can’t speak for any other Christian fiction author or author who either chose or by default was placed in the Christian fiction genre, but I am a Christian fiction writer who writes for a Christian fiction imprint. That is my choice on purpose. 

I’ll be the first to admit that yes, I have a ghostwriter; the Holy Ghost! I take dictation from the Holy Spirit when I write my stories. My Holy Spirit does not cuss nor does He describe explicit sex scenes for me to deliver to God’s people. I write Christian fiction, not inspirational fiction, not faith based fiction or anything else. Christ is in what I do; “CHRISTian” fiction. I’m not solely concerned with keepin’ it real as much as I am keepin’ it holy. The Bible is as real as it gets and if the Holy Spirit didn’t instruct the authors of the Bible to cuss people out and describe explicit sex scenes, then I’m okay with Him not choosing me to do it either. I believe that in my writing I have managed to both “keep it real” (as the world would say) while keepin’ it holy (for the kingdom). My ultimate goal is, yes, to please the readers, but I must first please God. I believe with everything in my heart that God will get my book into the hands of those He intended to receive it…with my hard work and obedience of course. I urge every author to be obedient to what their own assignment is and the instructions as to how they are to complete it.

Do books with cussing, sex or even things that some Christians might find offensive to the Word of God minister to people’s heart, spirit and soul? Absolutely. To this day the book I get the most feedback on from readers as to how it changed and/or saved their lives is from my secular book titled If I Ruled the World. So with that being said, who am I to say who and what God will and won’t use to deliver His children a message? Sometimes other authors get offensive when I say I don’t use cussing and sex in my books. They begin justifying why they do. It shouldn’t provoke a person to go into defense mode just because I’m following specific instructions. Some even get mad at me. All I do is shake my head and say to myself, “Don’t get mad at me, get mad at the Holy Spirit, because it sure ain’t me who is making you feel convicted or some sort of way. I don’t have that kind of power.” Real writers, on the other hand, are totally unaffected. Real writers write what they want no matter what anyone says or what other writers are writing.

My writing style and who I am as an author is personal for me. Never do I try to push my style of writing on anyone else. I ultimately turned my pen away from writing street lit, erotica and women's lit filled with sexual tension and expletives in order to serve God with my talent. God has always been there keeping, watching over and protecting me, but it wasn’t until I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior did I acknowledge just how much God loves me. Now I live to glorify Him in everything I do, including my writing. So I’m now not only proud to be a Christian, but proud to be a Christian who writes Christian fiction. In writing in the Christian fiction genre, I try very hard to keep my mind clear; to make sure I’m in tune with the Holy Spirit when I’m writing. But I’m going to tell the truth and shame the devil; I’m human, so just like in everyday life, when it comes to my writing, I do sometimes allow my flesh to rise up and do its own thing. 

I have written things that I thought the reader might want to read without consulting the true author. Do I get convicted for it? Yes, via readers’ emails and reviews…and some of them, unlike God, have no mercy. So I try my best to stick to ghostwriting…Holy Ghost writing that is.

When I dedicated my life to Christ, a great deal of things changed for me and in me. I couldn’t do some of the things I used to do. I couldn’t say some of the things I used to say and I couldn’t go some of the places I used to go. Well, I soon found that I couldn’t write some of the things I used to write. That’s what prompted the change in the genres I chose to write in. Joylynn M. Jossel and JOY the authors are retired for good. Are the Joylynn M. Jossel and JOY books still available? Yes, they are. They can still be found and ordered in bookstores and are in pretty much every online book store. My die-hard fans can even still find Joylynn at That's part of my testimony, my history and foundation as an author. But for readers who want to know what flows through my spirit today can find me at

Let me close by saying, though, that once upon a time my goal was to write what readers wanted to read and become a famous author. But now I know that my purpose is to make God famous through my writing, not myself.

Meet the Author

BLESSEDselling Author E. N. Joy is the writer behind the five book series, “New Day Divas,” the three book series, “Still Divas,” the three book series, “Always Divas,” and the forthcoming three book series, “Forever Divas,” which have been coined “Soap Operas In Print.” She is an Essence Magazine Bestselling Author who wrote secular books under the names Joylynn M. Jossel and JOY.

After thirteen years of being a paralegal in the insurance industry, E. N. Joy divorced her career and married her mistress and her passion; writing. In 2000, she formed her own publishing company where she published her books until landing a book deal with a major publisher. This award winning author has been sharing her literary expertise on conference panels in her home town of Columbus, Ohio as well as cities across the country.

Her children’s book titled The Secret Olivia Told Me, written under the name N. Joy, received a Coretta Scott King Honor from the American Library Association. The book was also acquired by Scholastic Books and has sold almost 100,000 copies. Elementary and middle school children have fallen in love with reading and creative writing as a result of the readings and workshops E. N. Joy instructs in schools nationwide.

In addition, she is the artistic developer for a young girl group named DJHK Gurls. She pens original songs, drama skits and monologues for the group that deal with messages that affect today’s youth, such as bullying.

You can visit BLESSEDselling Author E. N. Joy at or email her at 

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POEM: Forward by Felicia Scott

Transitions man
Plans and steps and maps to take
I thank God for the time I've wasted sort of speak
It makes me fear being lazy so I work
And pain and hate it but
Gain enough to keep going
I plan I pray I prepare
For a future I've hardly worked for
Too busy tryna make it day by day 
I'll work twice as hard for my child's tomorrow
What's the point of having a helping heart when I'm
Too broke to adopt the children I want 
That kills me man
Not allot of time to talk no more
Its a distraction anyway
Those people
Who listen and attack are all here and I'm not sure how I feel about that 
Too many to drop 
To heavy to carry at a time
I know what happens once I speak.
Grabbing a controller to a game that's off limits to me, no thank you
You can play against a more worthy opponent man
Just you and the computer bump a past
Bump a secret man
Bump a loved one that stopped
And bump the rumors from the clique
That I no longer run with
Its Never personal until I respond to something
You initiated, I know...
I get it...
I still love you though

About the Poet

Born in Marietta, Georgia, Felicia Scott only hopes to inspire as many people as she can with her writings.  Email: 



Your Deliverance is Closer than You Think 
by Stacy-Ann Facey

Your deliverance is closer than you think. However, if you look at situations with your natural eyes, you will never understand that truth.

Listen, in the Book of Mark 5:21, Jesus was by the lake and a synagogue leader, Jairus, came to Him. This man fell to his feet and told Jesus that his little daughter was dying. “Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live” (verse 24), so Jesus went with him.

However, on His was to heal Jairus's daughter, the faith of sick woman captured Jesus's attention. We have all heard about the woman with the issue of blood, right? Well, this desperate woman who had been sick for 12 years activated her faith, touched Jesus, and was healed immediately.

Then Jesus asked, “Who touched my clothes?” The lady acknowledged what she had done and He blessed her by saying, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering” (verse 29).

Now, remember, Jesus was on His way to heal Jairus's sick child, right? Well, in stopping to communicate with the woman who had an issue with blood, Jesus learned that the little girl died.

“Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher anymore?” Jesus heard their conversation and replied, “Don't be afraid; just believed.”

Jesus then traveled to Jairus's house and told the mourners that the child was only asleep; however, they laughed at Him. So, what did Jesus do? He put out all the doubters and wailers.

“After he put them all out, he took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was” (verse 40). Jesus then took her by the hand and said, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). The girl immediately stood up and began walking around.

You see, the little girl's healing was coming, even though there was a delay. All the blessings that have been delayed are being delivered to us, and all the wailers who think God cannot restore us will live to eat their own mockery.

Get rid of all the people who are around you speaking death into your situation. Put them out and shut the door. There is healing, deliverance, and restoration in Jesus, but these promises will be continuously delayed if you keep hanging around doubters.

Arise and live in the name of Jesus. Believe and get up from among the tombs. God has called us to live abundant lives through Yeshua. AMEN! 

About the Author

Stacy-Ann Facey is a college graduate who is passionate about teaching. She is a graduate from UMASS Boston with a BA in English and holds a master's degree in Education. She is the founder of Prophecies, Inc. and is a self-published author of several books.  Follow the Speak Truth Blog:




Are You Dealing With the Consequences of a Messed Up Mind?
by Danyelle Scroggins

WOW!  What a question! The questions of all questions; but basically, the question that makes me really take a look at my life and discern am I the reason for my unfortunate circumstances. For years I considered myself a hustler. Always trying to figure out how to get a dollar, make a dollar, keep a dollar, etcetera. The world could be crumbling around me but as long as I had some money, I was ok. For a long time, I made money that made others happy but I still had no real peace and all my life entailed was work. I realized that my money gave me leverage and those whom benefited from my money never told me anything other than the things they thought I wanted to hear. Come on, I know you know where I’m coming from. People are afraid of offending the people who give them money for fear that they will be cut off.

This is exactly why people with money live life as they please and the only people who criticize them are those who don’t benefit from their funding. This is why it’s so easy for gossip magazines to sale stories and social media lights up when news worthy gossip about stars or celebrities appear. Those who don’t benefit are have no connections find it easy to judge and criticize people’s actions. So in the course of my life, I realized I’d become a flesh pacifier. I could shut people up and live my life (no matter how horrible) the way I wanted to; because people who walk by the flesh considers no one’s laws~ no even God’s. 

My money plugged the mouth of those who might criticize me into correction and everything was done my way or no way. My flesh was the driver of my life and so faith would not even get in my vehicle. Then it happened. God allowed every source of income to dry up and then lead me to Romans 8.As I took careful consideration of Romans 8:5-8, “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the spirit, the things of the spirit. For to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. The carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God nor indeed can be. So those who are in the flesh cannot please God.”

I realized a couple of things that I desire to share with you. I started first with the end of these passages because the flesh cannot please God caused me to go directly in my mind to Hebrews 11:6 which says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” I saw clearly there are two people who cannot please God: those who are in flesh and those who have no faith. In fact I realized as long as you live according to your flesh, you will never walk in faith. Why? Normally flesh looks at the circumstances surrounding the situation and can see no farther than the result presented, but faith looks beyond the circumstances surrounding any situation and sees the promises of God as the basis for any ending result based upon this… “All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

People who walk in their flesh put their flesh in operation and anywhere flesh is operating, the mind is carnal. Carnal mindedness is and exclusive trait of a flesh operator. Not only does your mind block the very voices of others; when you are carnal minded, it also blocks the very voice of God. A carnal mind finds:

1) Every excuse to erase what God says.

2) Shuts out any information except that which is already stored in fabrication.

3) Builds walls of restraint that impede and block growth. And

4) Refuses to embrace truth.

Maybe the things you’ve been going through are a direct result of you having a messed up mind. If you’ve been experiencing the same thing year after year, and will not respond to the wisdom of someone who is trying to get you to see beyond yourself, you may have a messed up mind. Carnal mindedness is death; not just to your soul but to your life’s circumstances and situations. It also causes death to your goals and your dreams. Do you know someone who always gives up or quits? Do you know someone who always displays stinking thinking? They are the products of carnal mindedness and could be flesh operators. A carnal mind is like having a body full of bad gas. It comes out whether you want it to or not, and others smell it even when you don’t.

Now here’s the good part. Just like there’s a remedy to flush out of your body whatever is causing the bad gas, you can flush your mind. You have the opportunity right now to change your mind and the minds of others around you. How? You pray that God will give you and them transformation by the renewing of your mind. When we experience mind transformation, we no longer look at our way as the only way, or our truths as the only truths. As a matter of fact, we no longer matter because all things become about what God says.

When God transformed my mind, I could see clearer and hear His voice so clear. I began to live according to His spirit which simply means, I no longer feared obeying what I heard and I no longer felt like it was my way or no way. I no longer used money to control people and when you change your mind, you will no longer use people to get their money. I need you to evaluate what is going on in your atmosphere. Know that money is not the answer to all of your problems and that if you simply set your mind on things above, money will find you. When you live according to the spirit, you know that God will supply all of your needs and you believe whatever God says. Your life will change drastically and all the flesh fantasies will subside. You will be able to hear from God, obey God, and receive from God. Be Blessed!

About the Author

Danyelle Scroggins
is a Christian Author who writes Inspirational Fiction and Non-Fiction. Danyelle is a Psychology/Biblical Studies Major from Liberty University and she is the Pastor of New Vessels Ministries North in Shreveport, Louisiana. Danyelle lives in Louisiana with her family. You may contact Danyelle at 

Danyelle Scroggins on Social Media: 





Matters of the Heart by Chantea M. Williams

Focus:   Joel 2:12-13 (NLT)

12 That is why the Lord says, “Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning. 13 Don’t tear your clothing in your grief, but tear your hearts instead.” Return to the Lord your God, for he is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He is eager to relent and not punish.

Have you checked your heart lately? Do you ever wonder why it seems like you do so much but still don’t get anywhere? Have we truly given our hearts to God or are we just doing what needs to be done so that it looks like we love God?

It’s sad to say but we have gotten so caught up in church work that we are far from doing ministry. There is a difference. Church work can become busy work while ministry is solely focused on honoring God. Church work can become self-centered while ministry is serving God by serving others. Ministry can go unseen but still reach the heart of God while church work must be acknowledged and seen at all times. It’s a matter of the heart!

The children of Israel had the same problem. They did their own thing (church work) but God wanted their hearts (ministry). He’s asking us the same thing today. What has your heart been saying lately?

He doesn’t want us to look churchy but He wants our hearts. Our hearts are the core of our being. Our hearts determine our actions. Out of the heart flow the issues of life. (Prov 4:23) If you really want to know about a person, examine their actions because it is a reflection of what is already in their heart.

As we are in the Holy Week, let us rend our hearts to the Lord. Let us not get so familiar with the Easter celebration that we lose sight of the real meaning. The power of the cross is still evident in our lives today. If you don’t still get excited about the cross, then check the matters of your heart.

Father, search the matters of my heart. Heal me of my issues. Let my heart be a true reflection of who You are. I want my heart to be your dwelling place. Help me to release everything that does not honor You. Help me to hide Your word in my heart so that when things arise that should not be, I can speak Your word and overcome it. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

About the Author

Chantea M. Williams
is a Christian writer, Bible teacher and speaker who loves encouraging women to become greater through the word of God. Through her gifts, God created the Greater Working Women Ministries. They strive to encourage, empower and equip women from all walks of life to live out their God-given purpose with holy boldness.

She has also launched her teen mom mentoring program, I Am Still Somebody™. One of her many passions is baking, especially during the holidays. Check out her newly released book The Greater Working Woman Prayer Book, Volume 1 and The Greater Working Woman Prayer Devotional, Volume 1. Don't miss her upcoming book series for teen mothers to be released in early 2016.

Chantea M. Williams, Ministry Leader Greater Working Women Ministries






Living the Four Agreements

Read and Study the 4 Agreements, go here.




Everything Old, Is New Again 
by A. Yamina Collins

If Amazon's recent Kindle Serials debut back in 2012 is any indication of current publishing trends, then releasing a novel in episodes may be the hottest new thing publishing has seen in a while - even though there is actually nothing new about the serialized format. 

Years ago, it was the print novel that was being serialized rather than digitized works of today, and no less than Charles Dickens helped to establish the format with the release of his first novel, The Pickwick Papers back in 1836. In fact, that book is largely considered to have been the prototype of all serialization and indeed most of Dickens subsequent novels were originally published serially as well - in both weekly and monthly magazines, and often in as many as twenty monthly installments.

And make no mistake - Charles Dickens was not the only famous author to have tried his hand at serialization. French author Alexandre Dumas dolled out his Count of Monte Cristo in eighteen parts in the Journal des Débats, with publication running from August 28, 1844 to January 15, 1846, while Uncle Tom's Cabin, the American classic by Harriet Beecher Stowe, was serialized beginning in June 1851, over a 40-week period in an abolitionist periodical called National Era.

It's true that serialization sputtered in the early to mid-twentieth century and pretty much died. It's also true that now days audiences seem to have the attention span of two-year olds, making it difficult to hold readers interest in books that are dolled out slowly for public consumption. Yet it should not be assumed that there is absolutely no consumers for the serialized format.

In fact, one could make the argument that series books such as Harry Potter, Twilight and the Hunger Games, are themselves episodes told in larger, lump sum quantities (seven novels for Potter and three for Twilight and Hunger Games respectively). 

There have been even success stories of authors actually serializing a single novel in this day and age. In 2011, for example, author Hugh Howey wrote the indie sci-fi book "Wool". The book had been conceived as a stand-alone shorty story, but as its popularity increased, so did Mr. Howey's need to expand on the story, and thus a series was born - and a wildly successful one at that. 

But what are some of the benefits of serializing a book today? For starters, serialized formats can help build up readership for unknown authors, and help create greater interaction between an author and his or her audience (it has been said that for Charles Dickens, this format created greater intimacy between he and his readers). 

Another advantage is that authors can revise the novel even after it is serialized, in preparation for its stand-alone publication. As recent as 1984, Tom Wolfe's The Bonfire of the Vanities, ran in twenty-seven n parts in Rolling Stone magazine for which he was paid $200,000 for and yet, Mr. Wolfe went on to heavily revised the work before it was released in full form. 

Yet another advantage, As Mr. Howey once explained in an interview with, is that stand-alone books might remain invisible in a sea of books, but with a serialized novel one gets the same strange title sprinkled throughout the charts together, and that "sorta build(s) on top of each other like individual ripples growing into a much larger wave." In other words, ten entries of a book title are better for that book's chart hopes then just a single entry.

It is for all of these reasons I am releasing my two-book novel "The Last King" in a serialized format. I want to engage my readers even during the on going writing process; I want have a chance to correct some things I might miss down the road; and I want a chance build up an audience before the full, stand alone novel is released in late 2016.

It's also helpful that with Amazon's Kindle Serials, readers save money. When readers buy a Kindle Serial, they receive all existing episodes on their Kindle immediately, followed by future episodes as they are published at no additional cost. This will prove to be cheaper than buying all eleven episodes at separately.

I can't wait to see how serialization will change and grow throughout the next coming years. It's a totally new way for authors to think about publishing - even though it's also a very old idea.

About the Author
A. Yamina Collins
is the author of the quirky short story collection The Blueberry Miller Files. She has written for publications such as New York Resident magazine, Our Town and the Manhattan Spirit. A graduate of New York University, she lives in Manhattan. The Last King is her first novel. 

The Last King  (Book I, Serial #1) 
Science Fiction, African-American, Romance, Religious
Follow Yamina's Blog for more news: 





Ms. Clara in 2B
by Debbie Sickler

“You have a lovely garden ma’am. Been meaning to tell you so for quite some time now.” The old woman’s voice startled me as I jabbed my key into the lock of my front door. I had grown accustomed to viewing the silent figure by the door of 2B, as a piece of furniture. Nothing more.

“I beg your pardon?” I pulled Jason’s cap down below his ears and fussed with the collar of Brian’s polo shirt. “I don’t have a garden. The patios here are too small for that. And forgive me for saying so, but if I were to have a garden, how would you know it’s lovely? I always thought you were blind.”

“There are all sorts of gardens ma’am. All sorts.” My neighbor sat rocking slowly in her wooden chair as she spoke her riddles.  “I used to have me a wonderful garden, I did. So beautiful. Shoulda spent me some more time enjoying it while I had it. Drunk driver put an end to it though. Put an end to my eyes too.”

“Well, I’m sorry for your loss. Maybe one day you’ll plant another?” I was running late to get Jay to school and was too short on patience to figure out the ramblings of an eighty-year-old blind woman with imaginary gardens.

“My time for gardening has come and gone. There won’t be any more flowers springing up for this old soul. Just make sure you enjoy yours while it lasts. The blooms fade so quickly sometimes. So quickly.”

“Yes, well, I really must be going.” I tried to scoot the boys past her door and down the hall.

I had almost made it to the elevator when she called out. “The names Clara Johnson. Ms. Clara’s fine. You have a lovely day and take care of that garden now.” She continued rocking and staring off into the distance with eyes as clouded as her thinking seemed. I pushed the down button a few extra times without saying another word.

When we returned that afternoon, I was in a foul mood; Brian’s diaper had leaked all over me. I hardly noticed Ms. Clara with all the scolding I was busy doing.

“Bri, when are you ever going to learn to use the potty?” The overstuffed diaper was creating an awful stench and I couldn’t wait to get inside.

“Sounds as though you’ve got your hands full.” The crackle of her voice matched the creaking of her rocker perfectly. I hardly glanced up as I dug around for my keys, which had managed to settle to the bottom of my purse already.

“Oh. It’s this stupid diaper. It leaked all over my new blouse.”

“You have to expect a little dirt if you want to have a garden.”

“Dirt I wouldn’t mind. It’s this fertilizer that’s getting to me.” I managed a smile at my own cleverness. “If this kid would just stop being so dense and catch on. I think he takes after his father. He wasn’t too bright either.”

“Now how on earth will your buds blossom if you pelt them with pebbles like that?” A wry smile spread across Ms. Cara’s wrinkled face.

I had to stop and think about that one for a minute.

“Each one is different. Some will thrive in the bright sun, while others would simply wilt. Some need constant pruning so they won’t snap beneath their own weight. Others are meant to grow free and confident. It is up to the gardener to recognize their seedlings and apply the proper care.”

I still wasn’t sure Ms. Clara was all there, but she was starting to make sense. I looked down at my little ‘garden’ as she called it. They really were great kids and it had been awhile since I’d stopped to admire them.

Keys finally retrieved from my bag, I turned to unlock the door.

“Have a good evenin’ ma’am.”

I paused and looked back across the hall at apartment 2B. “My name’s Meg. You have a good night too Ms. Clara.” I herded the boys through the narrow doorway with a gentle, guiding hand.

Remembering the advice to enjoy my garden while it lasted, I inhaled deeply. Then I remembered Bri’s current potty emergency and regretted it. I rushed him to his changing table, but not without offering up a silent prayer for my wonderful garden, fertilizer and all.

About the Author
Debbie Sickler
, a mother of three boys, began writing as a hobby in 2005. She has since won several awards and been published both online and in print. She is currently working on a Christian fantasy screenplay. Contact her at  © 2006 Debbie Sickler.  Article Source: Faith Writers




Overcoming Personal Stress with Pending Uncertainty

Do you know what the future holds in 2016 for you? Are you now dreading the new year with more demands on the job, an unconcerned boss about your personal welfare, and new threats of pending layoffs? All of these things create stress and anxiety for working professionals as the new year begins. Many smart buyers do not want to overspend in this economic crisis, creating a situation where the economy recovers even slower. Leadership strategists offer advice to working professionals to reduce stress related to all the uncertainties in 2014.

Sadly, our standard of living is eroding. Families cannot make ends meet despite working multiple jobs. Companies are demanding more. It is no surprise that folks are stressed out. According to the third annual Work Stress Survey, conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Everest College, more than eight in 10 employed Americans are stressed out by at least one thing about their jobs. Additionally, the study showed poor pay and increased workloads were top sources of concern for many employees (1,019 surveyed by phone). The results produced a significant increase (73% to 83%) from last year's survey, which found that more employees were stressed at work.

Another holiday season has come and gone. After the presents have been given out and the year comes to a close, many people will reminisce about the past year. Sadly, some people's lives will be filled with many defeats, broken relationships, and unfulfilled dreams. These many setbacks may be relatively minor in nature. 

Depression can happen to anyone. Christian Maslach and Michael Leiter, authors of The Truth about Burn-out, explain how stress can burn out people and impact their mental state. In fact, many professionals are succeeding in the corporate environment while failing miserably at their own personal relationships. If you are human, you will experience some disappointments. It does not take a genius to understand how someone can get depressed. Some call it a "Pity Party."

With the ongoing global crisis and individual financial struggles, more and more Americans need to find better coping tools for survival. Individuals should not lose hope. The following positive tips are suggested:

* Seek out mentors who can assist you with your personal goals.
* Get rid of unnecessary stress in your life and negative people.
* Surround yourself with a positive network of individuals.
* Become a good steward of your finances. Do not attempt to spend more than you have. 
* Evaluate your current situation at work and home. Are you moving forward or just standing still?
* Consider a hobby, interest, or a community cause which requires going outside your comfort zone.
* Consider how to improve your individual condition with self-learning, trade/professional certificates, and newer job strategy approaches. 

We all know that 2016 and beyond are full of a lot of uncertainty. You can spend your days in despair or you can take control of some things to have a more successful life. This does not happen by chance. 

Certainly, depression sets in for some of the 15 million unemployed Americans, causing some women to grow weary and some men to grow angry. For millions of individuals, a pity party is a regular affair. However, individuals must be persistent during the current economic crisis and a good outlook goes a long way. Your attitude will greatly impact how you retool your life so that you can be successful in the future. 

About Daryl Green
Dr. Daryl Green
has done extensive research on cultural issues impacting today and future leaders. His last book, Job Strategies for the 21st Century: How to Assist Today's College Students during Economic Turbulence, has been rated number one on For more information, you can contact him at or





Losing Myself  
by Jan Ackerson

Dan and I married young—we were children, really—but I was charmed by the curls that played at his neck, and by his raspy chuckle. Those were reasons enough to marry, as it turns out. Years later, those same qualities still quicken my breath.

Not long ago, we waved at our darling Lily as she embarked on a new life with her own curly-haired charmer, in a flurry of lace. Dan’s arm tightened around my waist as their car disappeared, and he whispered in my ear. “We’re still young, sweetheart. Time to do something new.”

"Something new" was a spiritual itch that had plagued him for months. Dan wanted to be a missionary—had felt the call and started to research mission fields and financial arrangements while I was occupied with Lily’s wedding. I strained to hear the same voice that had reached my husband’s ears, but God was silent to me. I followed Dan anyway, transported to a distant land by the power of my love for him.

The air in my new country was richer than that of my home, thicker with exotic smells. Colors were more brilliant, the music filled with stranger harmonies. The language, when I learned it, fell softly from my tongue. The children were precious with their quick and dazzling smiles, the women sweetly shy. Yet I resisted falling in love with my new residence. My heart was home with Lily and her husband, with the granddaughter whose growth was chronicled in a well-worn photo album.

A few mornings ago, I awoke realizing that I had dreamed not in English but in my adopted tongue. I felt bemused, as if I was losing myself. The feeling intensified as I shopped for vegetables in the open-air market. Surrounded by the liquid syllables of native speakers, I was startled when an English-speaking tourist grasped my elbow and asked for directions. I blinked at her, uncomprehending, having to translate her words mentally before I could formulate a reply.

And yesterday, I sat in the front row of our cinder-block church, listening to the linguistic dance of Dan and his co-pastor, partners in the Lord. Dan spoke, his partner translated, the congregation laughed at his self-deprecating humor—and I realized that I had not heard Dan’s words at all, but had waited for the translation. I am fading away, I thought. If we stay here, I will disappear.

I spent the afternoon in something more closely resembling whining than prayer. "Your work is flourishing here, Lord. Dan loves it. But I have done nothing for Your kingdom, and I am all alone. Why did You bring me here if only to watch me evaporate? How can I serve You if I don’t know who I am?" My vaulted and chained spirit locked out God’s reply.

This morning, I kissed Dan good-bye, wrapped a colorful skirt around my waist, and prepared a cup of the local tea, spicy and sweet. While I sipped, I listened to the cacophony of accusing birds in the trees outside and explored the borders of my soul. My reverie was interrupted by a knock at the door.

It was my neighbor, a quiet woman with whom I’d occasionally shared a loaf of flat bread or a fruit-filled treat. Tears streaked her cheeks and she fell into my arms, weeping her husband’s name. He had been unfaithful to her, I learned, because of her inability to bear him a child. His mistress was now pregnant, and he had put her from their home, penniless and bereft.

I held her stiffly at first, unsure how to minister to this grieving woman, but my arms relaxed as a peacefulness settled upon me—a warmth that spread from the roots of my hair to my sandaled feet. My neighbor’s tears subsided, and she whimpered a proverb used to communicate despair: literally translated, she told me "with every rising of the sun, my teeth are broken anew."

God’s words filled all of the empty spaces in my spirit. “He is faithful,” I said, using the pronoun that means 'the Holy one.'  “With every rising of the sun, His mercy comes anew.”

She cradled her head on my shoulder, drawing deep breaths. The mirror on the wall reflected my blonde hair mingling with her raven tresses, her chocolate arms intertwining with my pale ones. I locked eyes with the missionary in the mirror and smiled. We held each other for many minutes, two women discovering grace.

About the Author
Jan Ackerson
is a Christian who has traveled though sorrow and depression, and has found victory and grace. She dedicates all writings to her Heavenly Father. Contact Jan for writing projects at  © Jan Ackerson--2012   Article Source: Faith Writers



by D. A. Sears

There are approximately 2.2 billion children who live and play in the global village we know as Planet Earth. We are connected to each of them. And they are connected to us. They are our children – the heart and soul of our global village. Their melodious laughter, incessant inquisitive banter, and irrepressible enthusiasm is infectious and inspiring. We feel their joy. The village – our global village – would be a desolate place without them. Can you imagine living in a world devoid of laughter, joy, and irrepressible enthusiasm?

Yet, we allow approximately 1 billion children in our global village to live in poverty.  We allow 640 million children in our global village to live without adequate shelter. We allow 400 million children in our global village to live without access to safe water. We allow 270 million children to be denied access to health services. And every year, death silences the melodious laughter, incessant inquisitive banter, and irrepressible enthusiasm of approximately 1.4 million children – our babies -- because they do not have access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation in our global village. 

How will living in poverty and not having access to adequate shelter,  safe drinking water, and adequate sanitation shape these children’s perception of the world outside of their immediate environment and their place in it?  Will they see a world that offers unlimited opportunities? Will growing up in abject poverty without access to adequate shelter, safe drinking water, and adequate sanitation shatter the souls and break the spirits of these children – our babies – and the global village’s Next Generation of Husbands, Wives, Mothers, Fathers, and Leaders?

Then there is the issue of the education of our children – the heart and soul of our global village. 
The number of children throughout our global village who are not attending school is shocking and tragic. At least 67 million primary school-age children are not attending school. Approximately 45% of these “out of school” children live in sub-Saharan Africa and approximately 24% of “out of school” children live in South and West Asia. Forty percent of “out of school” children in South and West Asia were previously enrolled in school but dropped out of school at some point. 

In Arab states, “out of school” children number approximately 5.8 million; 2.2 million “out of school” children exist in North America and Western Europe; Central and Eastern Europe estimates that its “out of school” children number 1.1 million; East Asia and the Pacific has approximately 8.3 million “out of school” children; and approximately 2.8 million “out of school” children can be found in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is estimated that at least 72,000,000 children of lower secondary school age are “out of school” and approximately 10,000,000 children in sub-Saharan Africa drop out of primary school each year. 

The village suffers when its children – its heart and soul – are allowed to languish in poverty, live without adequate shelter, safe drinking water, health services, sanitation, and not attend school or drop out of school We must rethink how we can provide access to economic opportunities to the parents of the children in our global village who are impoverished. We must build and adequately maintain sewage treatment plants that will pump out unhealthy and deadly waste materials and water treatment plants that pump in water that is safe to drink, cook with, and bathe in throughout our global village. It is imperative that we create accessible and affordable health resources and support services. We must look at why so many of our children – the village’s heart and soul – are not going to school or are dropping out of school. 

Let’s resolve the issues that prevent our children from attending school and staying in school. Let’s rethink how we are educating our children. Are we providing them with the skills they will need to become productive and successful adults in a global marketplace that is driven by information technology? 

Now, take a minute to think about yourself. When you were born, you were the heart and soul of the village. When the adults of the village gazed into your probing and sparkling eyes, they saw hope and the promise of a new day. You were loved. You were nurtured. You were valued. But what if your entire journey from childhood to adulthood had been spent living in poverty, without adequate food and shelter, and no access to safe drinking water, health services, and adequate sanitation. Would you have matured into a purpose-driven, productive, and successful adult? Would you go through life being angry or happy? 

Would you have a sense of direction or would you spend your life wandering around aimlessly? Would you be a vibrant, trusting, forgiving, and loving person? Or would you mature into an emotionally and spiritually detached adult? Would you be an asset or a liability to the village? Would you even exist?!

Shouldn’t our children – the village’s heart and soul – experience the same intense caring, nurturing, and mentoring that you enjoyed during your journey from childhood to adulthood? Don’t they deserve to feel protected, loved, and valued?

Connect with the Author
D.A. Sears, 2012 International Men's Day - United States Coordinator  
Member, International Men's Day Coordination Committee  
Member, University Council for Fatherhood and Men's Studies Program at Akamai University 





7 Ways to Empty The Cup 
by Talayah G. Stovall

There is a saying, "Empty the cup. Every time you empty it, it comes back twice as full."   

It is time for expressing gratitude and appreciation for our many blessings. Real wealth begins with giving. Here are several ways that you can make a difference this holiday season by pouring into the lives of others:

1. Give Your Time - Babysit for someone who can't afford to hire a sitter. Take food to someone who is sick. Visit a nursing home. Send a note to brighten someone's day. Volunteer at a local shelter for whatever cause you support - women, children, the homeless, even your favorite animal shelter. 

2. Give Your Talents - What can you do that would make a difference in someone's life? Can you knit? Style hair? Sing? Do you like to clean and organize? Extend yourself this holiday season by using your gifts to help and cheer others.

3. Give Your Blood - Every two seconds someone in America needs blood. Currently, only 3 out of 100 people give. Every pint of blood can save up to three lives. Contact the Red Cross for information.

4. Give Your Organs - Leave a lasting legacy. Register with your state and sign the donor form on your drivers' license. 

5. Give to a Good Cause - There are many organizations that are doing great things to help those who are less fortunate. Rather than recreating the wheel, consider giving to an established organization. I'd suggest:

a. Joyce Meyer's Hand of Hope Ministry is providing shelter, clean water, schools and more in countries all over the world, including India, Pakistan, Haiti, Zimbabwe and more. 

b. To help halt the cholera outbreak in Haiti, the International Preparedness Network provides Lifestraws, that filter drinking water for flood victims for a $5 -10 donation.





God’s Timeline 
by Catherine Flowers

Often, we look for solutions outside of God’s plan. We have an urgency that is not compatible with His timeline. It becomes a challenge to wait on God. And so without consulting Him, we make choices that turn out to be mistakes. And then we expect God to bless something that He has never played a part in, something He has never condoned.

Psalms 127:1 tells us, “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain…” That means if God is not a part of our plan, we’re going to have some problems with it whether it be in the execution of it, the structure, or the maintenance.

Waiting on God’s timing is sometimes hard to do. But I have faith in His wisdom that surpasses mine. And it’s worth it because God (the One who created us) knows what’s best for us (His creation). Likewise, He knows when it’s best for us. And I can testify that the reward for waiting is well worth it.

I had been waiting a year and some months for God to answer a particular prayer of mine. While He did not answer my prayer directly, He indirectly answered it by not opening any doors for me or allowing any alternatives that I could see. That clearly said to me, “wait”. And so I did.

Sometimes, though the enemy will throw a distraction at you in the midst of your waiting period. It becomes unclear whether the distraction is God answering your prayer or whether it is from the enemy.

This is when wisdom and spiritual discernment become invaluable tools. As a believer, I asked myself the following questions in order to discern whether the answer I received was from God or was a distraction from the enemy.

– Am I ready and in a position to receive that which I have been praying for?
– Is the answer I’ve received going to require much difficulty and discomfort on my part?
– Does the answer appear to be logical or does it create a whole new scenario of unanswered questions?
– After receiving an answer, is there still a sense of uncertainty within me?

It was clear that the answer I received was from God. It was clear because what once seemed impossible had now become quite achievable. Everything fell into place and the door that had been shut was thrust wide open for me to walk through.

So just when it felt like the last minute was upon me, it wasn’t; it was just God working on His own timeline. He had answered my prayer, and the thing once withheld from me was now mine to have.

Some have no desire to wait for Lord. They exclaim “I know what’s best for me!”, as if they are truly the captain of their own ship…well, to some extent they are. We all are when it comes to the ability to make choices – and even that is a gift from God.

So we can choose not to wait on God and execute our own plans, but if we wait on the Lord and let Him guide our footsteps, we’ll always have a 100% guarantee that everything will turn out fine.

If you are not a follower of Jesus Christ, consider turning your life over to Him.
Come before Him in repentance, and stop trying to do it all on your own. It’s okay to look to the Lord for your direction. It’s okay to wait for His guidance. He will never steer you wrong.  Nothing offers a 100% guarantee on all things at all times…but waiting on the Lord truly does!

About the Author

Catherine Flowers
is the creator of, a Christian blog where she shares the word of Christ through her encouraging words and experiences. In her spare time, Catherine enjoys writing on-line content for multiple websites as well as editing the creative works of others. Her leisure activities include reading, traveling, and spending time with her family. A Sad Soul Can Kill You is her second novel. 

To learn more about the author, please visit or e-mail her at You can also contact her on Facebook: Author Catherine Flowers 

A Sad Soul Can Kill You by Catherine Flowers 

Yesterday's Eyes by Catherine Flowers 






Benefits of Attending Literary Events 
by Sheryl Lister 

Imagine standing in a large ballroom filled with over 2,000 agents, editors, authors and aspiring authors. Sound overwhelming? It definitely was for me when I attended my first literary conference. But, if you are an author or aspiring to be one, attending a literary conference is one of the best investments you can make in your career for several reasons. I’ll highlight a few:

1. Networking – From agents, editors, publishers and other industry professionals, you won’t find a better opportunity to meet them in person. They want to talk to attendees and, who knows, one of them may discover you and your talent. But beware, it’s probably not a good idea to approach them about your book while they’re in the restroom, standing in the buffet line or working out in a gym. Just like you, they need privacy and doing this will most likely get you a rejection on the spot.

2. Building Relationships – Let’s face it, writing is a solitary endeavor and many writers (yours truly included) are introverts. We are also misunderstood. How many of you have said to family members, “I can’t believe my secondary character is trying to take over the story,” or “These characters kept me up all night talking” and got a blank stare? Take heart, at a literary conference you will meet others just like you who ‘get it’. You’ll laugh and swap stories, but the best part is some of these encounters turn into lifelong friendships.

3. Improving Your Craft – Whether you’re just starting out as a writer, have a few books under your belt, or are trying to figure out this thing called self-publishing, most conferences have speakers who are working professionals ready to teach. They can be pretty pricey, so be sure to attend the conference(s) that fit you, even if it’s only one per year. Topics range from plotting, characterization, marketing and publishing, to getting that novella paced just right and writing the dreaded query letter and synopsis (shudders). A word of caution: Don’t try to attend everything…you won’t be able to. Remember those relationships from number two, above? If you find two workshops you want to attend being held at the same time, you might try attending one and approaching a fellow writer and asking them to record the other one for you.

Another great investment is attending reader-based events. These retreats give readers a chance to meet and interact with authors, as well as ask those burning questions about characters you’ve always wanted to know. As an author, you get an opportunity to connect with your fans and, hopefully, make some new ones.

So, are you ready to grab a notebook, pack your suitcase and head to a conference? Good! Hope to see you there.

Meet the Author

Sheryl Lister has enjoyed reading and writing for as long as she can remember. She writes contemporary and inspirational romance and romantic suspense. Her first novel, Just To Be With You, earned her a 2015 Romance Slam Jam nomination for Debut Author of the Year. When she's not reading, writing or playing chauffeur, Sheryl can be found on a date with her husband or in the kitchen creating appetizers and bite-sized desserts. Sheryl resides in California and is a wife, mother of three and pediatric occupational therapist.

Twitter: @1slynne

Photo from a Sept. 2015 book signing. Got to hang out with my BRAB sisters, Sharon Blount and Poetry Is My Passion. A special shoutout to Gary Shumlai.



The Greatest Ah Ha Moment 
by E. N. Joy

My life just completely changed. I always say that the greatest "Ah Ha" moment a person could ever have is when their life begins to make sense. I live, breathe, see, hear, eat, sleep, think, taste, feel, smell the written word. It is my life. I've made bestsellers lists, won awards, appeared in magazines, had books translated to different languages, put on audio and more, but I was always yearning/desiring/chasing more. I can’t put my finger on one specific thing. Perhaps I was longing for more notoriety, money or what have you. I achieved things that I am most proud of and that other authors have yet to accomplish. But nothing was filling on a long-term basis. Nothing made me feel like I knew what my purpose in this writing thing was. I just knew that it took up all of my time and all of my money, and in most cases, with a very small financial return. 

Of course the wonderful feeling of gratitude I receive from readers is priceless. I love love love my readers, their testimonies, support and reviews. They are the boss of me. They give me a high, but then eventually I find myself back in that space again where I'm seeking , not just an answer, but a feeling; that feeling of everything making sense. "Why am I doing this outside of the fact that I love writing so much?" "Is this what I'm called to be doing or only what I want to be doing?” “Is there something else I should be doing instead?" "Why?" "Why not?"

One time I was at a literary event and at times I felt inferior to some of the National Bestselling authors that occupied the room. Their literary reputations preceded them. Everyone in the room seemed to know who they were and acknowledged them with huge applause. I reflected back on that moment and said in prayer, “God, I want to know what it feels like to enter people's presence and everyone in the room already knows who I am." His reply to me was, "Me too."

It was then I had my greatest “Ah Ha” moment. My ministry is delivering God's message through the written word in the form of literary entertainment in order to point the world in the direction of the kingdom. In doing so I FINALLY realized that E. N. Joy's job is not to make herself famous, but to make God famous. In spite of what some may think, not everybody knows God. Even God Himself knows that; He told me so!

I feel so free now knowing that even though my husband, children and so many family members, friends, readers and strangers have supported me in my literary endeavors, that I don’t have to prove to them that their love and support and bragging about me was not in vain by becoming the most famed and richest author in the world. I don't have to make the New York Times, my books don't have to be turned into Lifetime movies or chosen as Oprah's book of the month. My job is not to become a famous author through my writing, but to make God famous through my writing. So no longer is my motivation to become Bestselling Author E. N. Joy-One Million Copies Sold, but instead: BLESSEDselling Author E. N. Joy-One Million Souls Saved!

Meet the Author
E. N. Joy
is the author behind the "New Day Divas," "Still Divas," "Always Divas," and "Forever Divas" series, which have been coined soap operas in print. Former acquisitions editor of the Urban Christian imprint, Joy is now writing full-time, doing freelance editing, ghostwriting, Literary Consulting and some agenting. She is also the founder, host, organizer and feature author of Literary Feast 2015, which takes place this year in Columbus, Ohio on Saturday, October 10, 2015. You can find this author on Facebook under E. N. Joy, but today she's here to talk to us live.

You Get What You Pray For by E.N. Joy 

Lorain has been a prisoner of secrets almost all of her life. At the age of thirteen, she'd managed to keep her pregnancy a secret, discarding the infant she'd given birth to and leaving it for dead. She also never revealed the fact that the baby's father was her middle school guidance counselor. Years later, Lorain's mother had finally met the love of her life, and Lorain couldn't find the courage to tell her mother that her new beau was the man who molested Lorain. To complicate matters, Lorain discovered that the baby she'd abandoned all those years ago had survived, and God had placed Lorain in the now adult child's life. It seemed like the legacy of secrets had been passed on, too, as Lorain helped her daughter conceal the true details behind her own pregnancy. 

Lorain has managed to maneuver the secrets and lies like a strategic game of chess, and is now living the lavish fairy-tale life of a doctor's wife. But even that is a lie. With the rug about to be pulled from underneath Lorain by the woman who raised her abandoned child, all Lorain prays for is that everything will end well. In this cycle of lies, secrets, shame, and guilt, will Lorain get what she prays for?

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How to Find Your Serenity Place 
by Kerri Herndon

My typical day begins at 5 am. Today, I truly look forward to rising before the sun and greeting everyone with joy. I must admit, it took me some time to find my morning glory. Blissful rest was always interrupted by insidious honking and silenced with with my right hand as I quickly hit the snooze button to give me at least 10 additional minutes of sleep. The plush purple toasty fur lined slippers that awaited the arrival of my feet to slide in to begin the normal daily routine, were very rarely in reach. 

Next, as I waddled downstairs to grab the kettle from the stove, fill it with water for coffee (still yawning), dings from my iPhone alerting me to brand new emails, text messages, FaceBook messages and notifications and invites to events that I would never attend grab the first moments of my day.  As I pour the creamer in my coffee, my mind is already beginning to list out all the items that will be placed on the “to do list” creating my agenda for the day. Before I have taken one sip or sat down for devotion, my mind has dictated at least twenty tasks that need to be accomplished by 3pm.  With my mind racing around everything that needs to be done for the day, enjoying the solitude while basking in serenity is slipping away…

But wait.

I woke up early for solitude and devotional time to clear my mind thus bringing forth feelings of serenity and clarity to pave the way for a more productive day…

If any of this sounds remotely familiar then you can more than likely also relate as the day unfolds, so do the responsibilities and the ever increasing demands that are piled upon you. Within the midst of all of it, are your personal ambitions and desires.  Without surrendering your white flag, you begin to read books and listen to audios on how to jam seven hours into three to become more efficient so that you have more “me” and family time. You up your intake of vitamins and supplements, temporarily change your eating habits and join the gym all attempting to continue ironing your shero cape and not relent. Yet, feelings of fatigue, low energy, occasional mood swings and irritability have now become a part of your personality while stress and thoughts of depression are knocking at the door for permanent residency.

I’m reminded of the 80’s song by Karen White, where in the video poised with strength, she serenades her uniformed husband, I’m not your superwoman. The scenes switch back and forth as we viewers are relating to the stamina she excludes as she is hanging up laundry and then cooking dinner ( all while looking good in her heels). What is it in some of us that believes we can and should play the balancing act of twenty item task list and still meet the needs of others around us?

The above daily routine I described, used to be me. Running the hamster wheel wore me out and left me feeling overwhelmed and discontent. I still wake each day at five am with the same responsibilities yet with a new mindful approach in gaining my morning glory. I believe in the search of happiness, fulfillment, security, financial stability, career advancement and other personal goals, our true focus gets lost. With so many distractions; a lack of direction and/or definite purpose, daily stressors, family responsibilities, demands of co-workers, expectations of others, and personal ambitions, our judgment gets cloudy leaving some in a standstill of hazy mental fog. 

The lack of serenity skills to assist us with balancing the surge of raging emotions that swing like pendulum to meet the pressures of life unfortunately result in the inability to focus and remain grounded. Yet there are some who pick up other peoples burdens and responsibilities adding them to an already jam-packed schedule; over-stuffing their own nap-sack causing complications and strain. This “strain” is the emotional baggage (nap-sack) causing tension, headaches, fatigue, irritability and more. Trying to rearrange your day, adding supplements, vitamins and the like only temporarily mask the symptoms of what your body and spirit are trying to tell you. Burnout and exhaustion have arrived and if not tended, the toxicity from uncontrolled emotions can have catastrophic effects in the spirit, soul and body.

Your spirit eventually becomes weighed down which can leave feelings of doubt, insecurity and anxiety. Proverbs 12:25 provides a timely reminder that we should not allow anxiety to take root as it can cause depression. Today we see more and more commercials for medications to treat the symptoms of depression. Depression has been commonly referred to as the “common cold” of mental illness and if left untreated can lead to suicide. It’s time to deal with the root causes and stop masking symptoms of burnout and exhaustion to prevent full blown depression. But how?

One approach…Morning Glory.

Morning Glory is a serenity skill that I have developed in preparation for daily devotional time. It will give a guide to quieting the “white noise” or clear the mental fog so you can focus on learning to live a life of love and appreciation. It provides you with some basics to develop compassion for self and others using the power of imagination to heal the soul while releasing toxic emotions.

Let’s begin!

Keeping in mind that we are three-part beings (spirit, soul and body), every part of you is connected. If you have a tense mind (which resides in your soul), you have a tense body. Optimal results are achieved when allowing at least 20 minutes to perform The Morning Glory Serenity in the morning prior to your personal devotional time. It will assist you with clearing the clutter and the random thoughts that try to invade your mind as you seek wisdom in asking the Lord God to establish your thoughts and steps for the day.

Find a comfortable place to sit and pay attention to your breathing. Focus on the love of God, His grace and mercy being extended to you this morning. Begin to focus on your breathing. Imagine that each breath you take is the Spirit of the Living God coming into your body cleansing and healing it. Concentrate on the sensation of the cleansing air moving in and out of your nose and mouth. Notice your belly move in and out.

Pay attention to your breathing. Allow your belly to rise as you inhale and to slowly fall fall back down as you exhale. Take some time to breathe deeply as you prepare to welcome the Holy Spirit.

First concentrate on your forehead. As you breathe in, notice the muscles of your forehead. Become aware of any muscle tension in this area of your body. As you breathe out, let go of any muscle tension you find by purposely relaxing the muscles. It begins with an awareness of the tension on the in-breath, and letting go of the tension on the out-breath. Repeat for several slow deep breaths.

Next concentrate on any muscle tension in a particular body area as you inhale (like your shoulders). Now, as you exhale, consciously loosen and release that tension. Imagine the breath traveling into that particular area is a radiant healing light, then traveling out as you exhale. As the breath leaves the area, visualize the muscles slackening, as if your breath is carrying away any tension and stress you may have. Each time you breathe, make sure you are taking slow, deep breaths, concentrating on noticing how your belly rises as you inhale and falls as you exhale.

You may be aware of thoughts or feelings rising into your consciousness, or even possibly images popping up in your mind’s eye. Perhaps you are aware of impinging worries, anxieties, fears, fantasies, or other preoccupations involving the past or future. It’s okay and do not allow it to distract you. It is not a “failure” of your efforts to relax or become mindful; you are learning a brand new skill to support you in learning to take control of random thoughts and responses.

Begin to recite the following phrases (or an affirming scripture focused on love):

* I am filled with love, joy, peace.
* I am filled with longsuffering, kindness, goodness.
* I am filled with faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.
* I am filled with the wisdom and knowledge of God.
* I am strengthen with might through His Spirit in my inner self.
* I have been renewed in the spirit of my mind through Christ.

Allow the feelings to arise with these words. Repeat the phrases, letting the feelings permeate your mind and body. (Continue this practice for a few weeks until you sense an authentic loving kindness toward yourself.)

If and when you notice that you’ve been carried away in a stream of associations, merely observe them. Then, gently return your awareness to your breath. Your breath is the gift of God giving you life; healing and cleansing your spirit, soul and body. Allow your breathing to once again become your focus, letting your thoughts recede to the background. Your awareness of your breathing helps anchor you in the present.

For the remaining time, keep your awareness focused on your breath and how it travels into your body; healing all tension and stress restoring the presence of peace and the euphoria of love. Gradually bring your consciousness back to your surroundings.

When you feel ready, start with this meditation practice, using the same phrases, but gradually expand the focus of your love, kindness, and appreciation to include others. Imagine the person and thoughtfully recite the phrases:

* I am filled with love, joy, peace.
* I am filled with longsuffering, kindness, goodness.
* I am filled with faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.
* And so on (same as above).

Remember, consistency is the key. The more consistent practice of this practice along with other spiritual beliefs (attending church services, praying regularly, etc.) along with serenity skills such as Morning Glory can greatly reduce feelings of anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. Thoughtfully consider including a regular exercise program and vitamin supplement and gain overall tremendous health benefits.

Morning Glory Serenity has the potential to bridge the gap between yourself and others replacing fear, worries, and anxieties with love and compassion. I would love to hear how Morning Glory is working for you! Post how it’s going for you and what you are receiving below. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Blessings, Kerri Herndon

About the Author
Kerri Herndon,
affectionately known as Coach Kerri the Life Transformation Coach is a Motivational Speaker, Radio Talk Show Host, Entrepreneur, Author, and Founder of one of the fastest growing organizations dedicated to empowering women of all ages. Her B.A. Biblical Studies and M.A. in Christian Counseling coupled with an unflinching and honest understanding of today’s woman, enables her to skillfully assist others with indentifying the root causes of their personal dilemmas.

Coach Kerri specialty lies in assisting women with breaking the barriers of limitations and achieving emotional wholeness. Living by the mantra of "Create the life you love", Coach Kerri implements this truth into powerful coaching programs that equip women with eliminating fear and stress and bridging passion to purpose.  Remaining true to her powerful message of transformation, in her recently published book, "Simply Me - Taking Off the Mask Through Effectual Prayer", she provides practical self-help tools along with spiritual insight that explains how traumatic experiences such as depression, rejection, abortion, attempted suicide can alter the course of destined purpose. 

Coach Kerri's testimony and life-transforming messages share the miracle working power of God and how He is able to use all our baggage for His greater purpose. She is a walking representation of the WORD at work and has made it her life mission to allow the Holy Spirit to use her to impact the lives of others. Her inspiring stories and personal reflections have made her a highly respected and sought after speaker with women’s groups, conferences and churches.   Website:



Big Goals - Small Steps! 

Does anyone dare despise this day of small beginnings? Zechariah 4:10 TM

While it's tempting to think that the amount of time required is too long, those days and years will pass - whether you're pursuing your goal or not! God wants you to heed His call, to show up for duty and leave the provisions - including the time, money, open doors, favorable relationships and material resources - to Him. If you do your part, He'll do His. The Psalmist writes: "No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly" Psalm 84:11. Just trust God and take the first small step!

Is God nudging you to take small steps towards a larger goal?
Is it past time to return to school, change careers, or move closer to your long-awaited dream? Have you allowed excuses and fear to immobilize and constrict your next step? Alternatively, have you taken the first step towards fulfilling a lifelong dream? Did you decide to prayerfully count the cost and take a leap of faith? Are you energized by the vision of victory and sense of accomplishment flowing through your life?

Saints, reaching big goals begin with steadily moving forward in small steps.
As we venture deeper into life, our hearts will greatly yearn to accomplish certain dreams or goals. With prayer, meditation, and faith - we can move into a season of life wherein hard work pays huge dividends. If our dreams and goals align with His will for our lives, God will nurture the desire and provide provision. 

Although it may not come in the package or timing that we would prefer, we can trust that God is working in our hearts throughout the process. We may look back over our lives and realize that it was God who carried us through the small steps. He simply asked that we trust Him and take the first step. He will do the rest - spiritually, emotionally, and in the physical realm. We simply become co-partners in strict obedience to His vision for our lives. Let's begin today by taking that first small step! 

Your Sister in Christ,
Rugina Poellnitz 

History of  The Morning Teas

The Morning Teas were written by Diann Thomas in 2000 and distributed by Linda Cunningham-Hames. My role in them is to (1) read as a personal devotional and (2) write a mini intro posing questions and a message of encouragement.  During 2011, Diann Thomas passed away unexpectedly and sadly, Linda Cunningham-Hames passed away on July 24, 2012. I've never met either in person, only corresponded with Linda via email, and never corresponded with Diann. We were connected via technology and hearts for God.  Going forward, I intend to continue to share Morning Teas in their honor (as well as add my Mother, Evelyn Carter-Pete, since she prayed and inspired me (and others) to live faithfully and abundantly prior to her passing in 2007).





The Black Pearls Magazine family would like to thank each of you for joining us monthly in celebrating the best in literature and the arts.  Our team of writers, bookclubs and authors are so humbled that you have allowed us entrance into your life. It amazes me each month as I check our subscribers how many of  you deem us worthy of your time and support. 

We appreciate each of you for telling 10 people about the magazine and for driving people to this site. YOU make Black Pearls the magnificent publication that it is, by sharing the Gift of Knowledge!

Please know, as we prepare each issue for you, we look for those stimulating conversations, the most thought provoking articles and most of all, the best books on the shelves. We want each page of this magazine to add value to your lives!  Your comments and feedback are welcomed. Join our blog and share your news, advice and wisdom with the other readers. Tell us what you want to read too!

As we enjoy this exciting year, we hope to bring you more provocative topics and life empowering books to shape your lives. We have contests for the readers and more interactive sections added to the magazine. Let us know what you think of the fresh new content by emailing us here.  Thank you!

Ella Curry, President of EDC Creations
Founder & Editor In Chief Black Pearls Magazine

Disclaimer:  The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing articles for Black Pearls Magazine are theirs alone, and do not reflect the views, opinions or positions of Ella Curry, EDC Creations Media Group, Crown Holders Transmedia Group, Black Pearls Magazine or any employee thereof. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or guest writers for this online magazine and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use. If issues should arise, please contact the author or the publishing firms directly. 




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